King's Business - 1948-11

GRACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY A standard theological school where the whole Word of God is honored and the high academic demands of Christian Scholarship are directed toward a practical Christian Min­ istry, with the following purposes and ideals: A Bible-centered Curriculum A Competent and Believing Scholarship A Missionary and Evangelistic Devotion A Spirit-filled and Separated Life A Premillennial Hope and Viewpoint A Spiritual and Prayer-charged Environment An Expository Preaching and Teaching Ministry Courses lead to recognized theological degrees, and are open to all worthy and properly Qualified students. No tuition charges. Approved by Indiana Department of Education for the training of Veterans. Second semester opens January 24. Alva J .' McClain, President Herman A . Hoyt, Registrar W INON A LAKE, IND IANA

A HOMELESS, sick child, such as the little fellow pictured here, is at your door, pleading for shelter, food, and Christian love. He's “ one of the least of these . . Over in China there are numberless little ones begging for an opportunity to enter the Home of Onesiphorus where spiritual and physical needs are met. Our hearts tell us to take in all who come. Because the funds available limit our ministry, we must often deny what our hearts command. Through the “ adoption" plan, individ­ uals, fam ilies, and groups are invited to cooperate in this soul-saving, body-rehabil­ itating mission. If your heart responds to our invitation to share in this work, we will gladly send you on request . a free copy of CHINA HARVESTER and informa­ tion about the support of a child. HOME OF ONESIPHORUS G. A. LUNDMARK, President Dept. K, 2811 N. Racine Ave., Chicago 13, III.

DON ’T FORGETI to order your Christmas subscriptions to The King's Business for relatives and friends.

Right, the Kenya Colony Market de­ scribed below. Left, bappy believer and his wife from Iri- bamba, Peru.

Watch for special Christmas features next month1


American and native evangelists teaching the Christmas story by flannelgraph in Chiquintirca, Peru. Right, Jews at the famous wailing wall, Jerusalem.

A §>nînvi in i&enya Colony

Condensed from “ B IB L IC A L M ISSIONS”

“ Is Kenya evangelised?” writes a young African missionary. “ Let me take you on just one day's safari. The natives told us of a large mar' ket place at- Zombe where there was great need for the Gospel. The road twisted and turned, and was really bad. It seemed as though we trav' elled most of the way in second gear. Then the road became just the sandy bed of a river, and the car ahead of us suddenly stopped. It was now about two o'clock, and we began to fear we could not return over that terrible road after dark with, its swarms of malarial mosquitoes. The men walked ahead, however, and met the Chief. He was so anxious that we come that he sent a dozen men back to push the cars through the sand.

“When we arrived at the mar' ket, the black people just swarmed around the cars. Unfolding the or* gan and starting our meeting, they were ‘all eyes’ — just couldn’t imag­ ine what was making the music. There was much noise and confusion. W e stood on the running board of our car to make our voices reach the outer edge of the crowd. What a blessing an amplifier would have been! “ One native woman came to us just as we were leaving and thanked us for coming, saying she wanted to believe. She asked us if we were coming back again soon. But we can't take another long safari until our faithful Fqrd has some new spring shackles, which can’t be had here. Pray that we soon may have a new car.’ ’

1949 -Ä» JANUARY


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God is answering our earnest prayers with a rapidly enlarging min' istry. Will you " hold the ropes ” as these Gospel messengers go down? Tour prayer fellowship will be deeply appreciated. For full details, address The Treasurer.

Dr. E. J . Pace Poster Cartoons In Calendar Form A big 12 x 18 in. cartoon calendar with a different cartoon each month. Single copy 35c; 3 copies $1.00; 12 copies $3.50; 25 copies $6.75; 50 copies $11.50. Dealers, write fo r quantity discount FAITHFUL WORDS PUBLISHING CO. 2116 S. Jefferson Avenue St. Louis 4, Mo.

f o r P R E S B Y T E R I A N F O R E I G N M I S S I O N S Philadelphia 44, Pa., U.S. A.

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