THA Journal - Oct 2017 - EC

STUART NETTLEFOLD Business Events Tasmania CEO Business Events Tasmania

Vin Barron was Chief Executive of the Tasmanian Convention Bureau (now known as Business Events Tasmania) from 1993 – 2008, during which time he represented Tasmania on the Board of the AACB for 15 years, serving as president from 1996 -1998. This recognition is very well deserved for a person who has dedicated his career to the advancement of the Australian convention bureaux and the business events industry. After winning the AACB Staff Scholarship, Leah Muir is now off to travel to Scottsdale, Arizona to attend the Simpleview Summit in May 2018. We are extremely excited Leah had won this opportunity to broaden her knowledge of this leading destination marketing database known as Simpleview, which BET currently uses. Knowing the importance of strong data to an organisation such at BET and the benefits it can have on the organisation’s success and profitability and key relationships, there is no doubt BET and other bureaux will benefit from her experience. I would like to take this opportunity to thank AACB for this great initiative and Qantas and Tourism Australia for co-sponsoring the award. Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to announce my decision to stand down form the executive as immediate past treasurer from the ACCB Board. It has been privilege to represent Tasmania on the AACB Board as immediate past treasurer and past Vice President. I will however remain on the AACB Board of Directors, as I thoroughly enjoy working with my national

Business Events Tasmania was delighted to host Australia’s key business events industry leaders, colleagues and partners at the 28th Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB) conference last month in Hobart. For those of you who are not familiar with ACCB, it is the peak Australian business events network driving economic prosperity for Australia. AACB and its members represent more than 1700 tourism and events industry operators across Australia. The Association brings together Australia's most influential city and regional bureaux, dedicated to marketing their specific region as premier business events destinations to domestic and international markets. The AACB staff conference 2017, held at the Henry Jones Art Hotel in Hobart, from 6 - 8 September 2017 was a huge success. The conference has not been held in Tasmania since the early 90s so we were thrilled to showcase our beautiful island once again to our business event colleagues and peers. The conference brought together more than 80 Australian convention bureaux staff and key business events industry stakeholders for keynote sessions and seminars focused on the conference theme "Distinction: Your Difference is Your Strength". I am pleased to say that Hobart did an exceptional job at wooing our fellow industry peers - showing off its distinctive characteristics and style. In fact, several delegates informed me it was the most successful AACB conference they had attended. Indeed, I felt the conference was very informative and engaging. It enabled us all to share industry insights, discuss current trends and issues and work collaboratively on growing the overall business events market in Australia. For me, the greatest highlights of the program were those that included local content. Mark Wilsdon from MONA and Rob Pennicott from Pennicott Wilderness Journeys for example, who passionately shared the challenges and achievements associated with these two strong and unique Tasmania brands. Another remarkable conference highlight was the workshop by the Tasmanian Students Against Racism. The Tasmanian Students Against Racism group is a partnership between A Fairer World and TasTAFE. The students told us their personal stories of how they had to leave their homelands as migrants and refugees have adapted to Australia. Like many in the room, I found the bravery of these young people very humbling and inspirational. It was a great example of how young people can empower themselves as well as educate their community about the impacts of racism. I would like to also mention the Gala Dinner at Frogmore Creek Winery which was a spectacular evening of exceptional wine and Tasmanian produce that celebrated our industry and its high achievers. Tasmania took the limelight with Vin Barron announced as the AACB Hall of Fame inductee for 2017 and BET Business Development Manager, Leah Muir winning the AACB Staff Scholarship for 2017-18. Tasmania: Your Difference is Your Strength

counterparts in developing the profile and strategic intent of the business events sector nationally and

internationally. I am excited about Tasmania’s future as a business events destination.

Leah Muir

Vin Barron & Andrew Hiebl

October 2017


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