Health is wealth Mag - January 2024


Something Dies to Be Born

Embrace change for growth

It was all very different. All my energy and focus were on manifesting something that was very important to me: —>> My life and nothing else. This year that has passed in 2023, I managed to create everything I desired and received much more than I asked for. Everything I put on my list of things to manifest, I achieved. But, I did it at the expense of my well-being and even myself. I said yes too many times when I really wanted to say no. Today, I have, and I've recovered my investments. There was also much soul pain. I lost friends whom I "thought were friends"... So I made the decision and moved to another city, changed literally everything, and enjoyed it because I understood that life was putting me in that situation to move forward and mature.

and strong transformative energy. T

hese last three years have brought us here, to where we are today. 2020 was a year of intense changes

I gave much more than I should have and mistakenly thought that it was the price to pay for being where I was. ... It's not like that. We don't have to sacrifice ourselves to achieve what we desire. We don't have to pay for success, for our dreams, or for achieving what we want. We don't have to suffer to be happy later. If 2020 opened me up to expansion and was one of the years in which I grew the most, 2021 taught me to go back inside to take care of my physical body, my energy, my health, to forgive myself, to surrender and stop trying to control everything around me.

It was a year of painful growth, more forced than fluid. 2021 was a year of balance, transitions, turning inward, and finally letting go of what I couldn't release in 2020. In 2022, I traveled almost as much as in 2021 after a pandemic that took many lives, dreams, relationships, where I fell ill due to a microbiota imbalance, experienced financial losses, and was embarking on a business in 2020 without a clear destination. I spent all my savings but always with hope, faith, and certainty that I would emerge victorious.

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