WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING A FEMALE STUNT PROFESSIONAL, AND HAS IT CHANGED FOR YOU OVER THE YEARS? We are no different than stuntmen, except sometimes we get paid less for the same work. And we often do stunts without pads/protection because our wardrobes are too skimpy to allow for it. These are facts about the profession that audiences probably simply don’t think about or realize. Men are usually the stunt coordinators in this industry and it is still very much a male-dominated profession. However, in Atlanta, we are lucky to have a couple of rare women who are stunt coordinators. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PROJECT SO FAR, AND WHY? I don’t really have a favorite project. My favorite projects are ones where I get to work with extremely talented, veteran stunt performers. I don’t always get to have one-on-one conversations with them, but there’s always an opportunity to watch, listen, and learn. I am always learning and challenging myself. I want to be constantly expanding my skill set. DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW OR ASPIRING STUNTS PROFESSIONALS? Figure out what areas of stunts you want to work in and start training as soon as possible. Become as close to an expert as you can. Market yourself over social media. Never accept a job doing something you aren’t amazing at--that’s the fastest way to get black-listed. WHAT PROJECT ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT RIGHT NOW? I recently produced and starred in my first short: titled Stuntwoman. It was written and directed by a super-talented woman named Stacie Davis. It’s currently doing very well on the indie film festival circuit and I’m very proud to say that it screened at Artemis Film Festival in Los Angeles. Artemis is the “Women In Action” festival--a big deal for stuntwomen. More information about Artemis can be found at: www. .
When she’s not working, she’s training. In addition to riding horses, training includes things like skating, martial arts practice, swimming, practicing fight choreography, and scuba diving.
For a comprehensive look at Howard’s film and television credits, visit her IMDB page at:
Photography courtesy of Robin Henson
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