Georgia Hollywood Review November 2019


12 stunt woman Damita Jane Howard is Just Cool 14 casting Focused on the Big Picture 16 furry friends The Wild and Wooly Biz of Animal Casting 18 screenwriting+scripting Don Dudenhoeffer 20 location scouting Michael Woodruff at Eye Productions, Inc. 22 executive producer Mark Stiemke: The Connector 24 audio engineers Sound Confessions: Bob Miller 26 hair+makeup To Amy Elizabeth, Every Face is a Canvas 28 props RJR Props Creates Movie Magic 30 animatic storyboard The Godfather of Storyboard 31 industry groups Who is Going to Bat for Georgia’s Film Industry? 32 indie film Atlanta Filmmaker Deborah Riley Draper is One to Watch 34 blockbuster Just Mercy; Speaking to the Times 36 local studio Areu Bros; Changing the Complexion of the Entertainment Industry 38 celebrity actor & producer Terri Vaughn; Stronger Together

40 goodwill in film Mark Wofford of PC&E 42 sports+faith Full Count 44 child actor Marco’s World 46 biography Behind the Lens with Corine Dhondee 48 r&b Rapper Stickz Greenz

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