Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

CWUP 1-10-050 Powers and Duties

The twelve itemized general powers and duties listed under RCW 28B.35.120 shall be carried out by the board in addition to any other powers and duties described by law, and shall include but not be limited to review and approval of the budget, review of the fiscal audits of the university, approval of all degree program additions and deletions, setting tuition and fees within state guidelines, unless otherwise delegated to the president, and approval of employee bargaining agreements, the faculty code, and student policies. The board delegates to the president/designee, the authority to approve services and activities fee supplemental allocations up to $25,000 and all course fees and academic and non-academic program fees. (1.) At least annually, tThe board will regularly review the vision and mission statements and /strategic plan of the university. (2.) Annually, the board evaluates, either verbally or in writing, the president, based on written or verbal criteria established by the board in consultation with the president and consistent with requirements of the president’s employment contract., information gleaned from the board meetings, communications received, strategic plan accomplishments, and/or any other criteria as determined by the board of trustees. At least once every five (5) years the board will conduct a formal 360° evaluation process on the president. Following is the process the board will use to evaluate the performance of the president. a. Annually, the president shall submit to the Board of Trustees a set of goals. Measurable goals may be annual or multi-year targets and should include factors essential to achieving the mission and vision for the university adopted by the Board. At the Bboard’s summer meeting, trustees will review draft goals for the upcoming year with the president. In fall quarter of each academic year, the Board of Trustees shall adopt new or updated performance goals as needed. 2. Evaluation Survey: b. In spring quarter of each year, the Board will develop and distribute an anonymous survey that measures the progress of the president toward project goals as well as reporting his performance as a leader. The survey will include key university constituencies: for example, student body leaders, the executive leadership team, academic leadership, leadership of the CWU Foundation, and others. The survey results will not disclose the individual assessments provided by those surveyed; their individual identifies will be confidential. From time to time, the Board may choose to conduct an assessment of the president that engages of external stakeholders, including leaders within communities CWU serves, elected officials, and others. Evaluation Procedure 1. Planning: The Secretary to the Board will support the development, distribution, and analysis of the survey. As soon as they are available, The Secretary to the Board will collect and generate an analysis of the survey. Tthe anonymized results of the survey will be provided to the board and to the president, discussed in the July board meeting, and a summary communicated communicated to the university community in fall quarter. 3. Presidential Self-Assessment: c. In advance of the July board meeting, the president shall provide trustees a summary of progress toward goals set in the previous year. The self-assessment shall be provided confidentially to the board. Board Consideration of 4. Evaluation Materials: d. During the July meeting, the Board shall meet in executive session, as allowed in RCW 42.30.110(g), to review the president’s self-assessment and performance survey. The executive session will allow the board to discuss the evaluation materials review amongst trustees amongst themselvesand board staff as required, and then to discuss with the president performance areas for improvement as well as for commendation.

CWUP 1-0 Board of Trustees CWUP 1-10 Legal Power and Responsibility

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