KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-08

30. We are saved by grace plus nothing. The whole design is of God. We can rejoice in the fact that the salvation of our never-dying soul is in the hands of the sover­ eign God. We cannot, humanly speaking, fathom these depths. Since this is the irrevocable word of the One who cannot lie, we have but to accept it with grateful hearts. Paul brings his introductory re­ marks to a conclusion in verse 7. He is saying that it is only right that he should have such an evalu­ ation and high regard for these brethren in Christ. They are really joint-participators with him in his missionary work. Here are the co­ partners of his grace, granted to him in being God's missionary. It is a privilege we likewise can share as we faithfully seek to serve our blessed Saviour.

Secret of a Happy Life In our continuing study of Phil- ippians we find that, following the introduction, the body of the let­ ter begins with verse 8. Here we have the secret of how to live a happy life. Until we meet and become identified with Christ, in God's sight we are dead (Eph. 2:2). Christ is the Christian's life. While some think that life begins at 40, the Bible reminds us that life be­ gins when one comes into a vital relationship with Christ. You can read the moving experience of Paul's conversion in the early vers­ es of Acts 9. From that day until his death the Apostle had but one passion and that was to live Christ (vrs. 21). This is foundational to all Christian experience. It is most helpful to observe the scriptural prayers. Note Paul's be­ ginning in verse 9. First he prays

President Chase addressing the May 30 Commencement audience.

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