KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-08

mean they never experienced death until their wilderness wanderings. Certainly they were blessed of God and increased in numbers greatly. Could this be one reason why there were so many of them?" A. This shows how things may be expressed differently in various lan­ guages. In essence, the original text would better be translated in this accusative form to Moses, “Why have you taken us out here to die? Didn't you think there were enough graves in Egypt?" That is interesting since this country has as one of its hallmarks tremendous grave sights. The Israelites certain­ ly did die in Egypt. There was no moratorium placed on death. Of course, at the time of the 10th plague none of them who obeyed

the Lord's command died. That was just for that one time and situation. Cod gave His people abundant growth from their original number in Egypt based on His faithful prom­ ise that He would make a great people out of Abraham. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "Do you feel that a neighborhood Bible study group does more harm than good if it is not grounded and stable in leadership? Should it be connected with a local church?" A. As to a matter of good principle, dedicated leadership is important. The teacher should make certain that he himself is firmly rooted and grounded in the Word of God. Conducted in any other manner there are definite handicaps and dangers which could be encoun- Page 29

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