be a part of the kingdom. It all de pends on one's individual accep tance by faith of Cod's free gift of salvation. Because of their accept ing the promises there will be god ly ones in Israel who will be there. The Church will be the Bride of Christ. The children of the king dom here, who are cast out, are the unbelieving in Christ's genera tion. The kingdom referred to is that of Messiah on earth. In proph ecy, it is known as the millennium (cf. Matt. 8:11; 19:28). Q. Sacramento, Calif. "In John 3:3 we read, 'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Cod'. Why is this?" A. These are our Lord's words to Nicodemus. He explains later that He is talking about a spiritual birth. We can see the results of the King dom of Cod within us, as well as observing those results in the lives of others who have received the Saviour. We see the Kingdom of God now with the eye of faith. In a coming day we shall see with our resurrection eyes, and then shall we know even as also we are known! Q. Pasadena, Calif. "Is abortion, now permitted in many states, con trary to the will of God?" A. There are times, in an emergen cy, when the mother's life is en dangered. Such therapeutic abor tions have been necessary. This is in very extreme cases where there is absolute certainty in the matter, the Bible nowhere states a defin ite policy concerning abortion. We must gain the teaching based up on general concepts expressed in Scripture about the value Cod places on a human life. It is not within our province to tamper with life, unless there is a danger as we have already indicated.
Abortion, as it is known today, is not based on the will of Cod, but rather on the whim of man. We believe that this is another in dication of the steady trend away from Biblical thinking in our coun try. Scripture on the other hand stresses the absolute worth of a human life. It is interesting to ob serve from best medical judgments that the fetus has life in it even be fore the mother feels that life. How then can we judge whether such an existence should be terminated. The Word of God, in its entirety, does remind us that we must be extremely careful in adopting poli cies which seem to be current in our land today. Study your Bible and seek God's will for the proper wisdom and guidance. We need to live and to preach godly morality. These are desperate days in which we are living. We should be in structing our young people as to the sinfulness of getting into such unfortunate situations before mar riage. Q. Pasadena, Calif. " Please explain the difference between a funda mental minister and a conservative one." A. A finer distinction has arisen in more recent times. Fundamental was first used by a modernist to distinguish between views. A force ful liberal, Dr. Harry Emerson Fos- dick, preached a sermon in 1923 on the theme “ Shall the Funda mentalists Win?" From then on the issue was started between funda mentalists and modernists. Funda mental signified one who believed in the great cardinal doctrines of our faith. These include the infal- lability of the Bible, the virgin birth of Christ, the miracles of the Saviour, our Lord's vicarious atone- Page 35
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