KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-08

common sense. Just because you have encyclopedic knowledge does not mean that you are wise. Not all believers possess the right kind of wisdom. People will be persuaded for Christ only when we express wisdom and appropri­ ate conduct. James calls upon be­ lievers to show their wisdom by a good conversation, which means behaviour or manner of life. In verse 13 and 14 we see that the people lacked meekness and hu­ mility. They were boasting in their wisdom which was proof that they did not possess godly understand­ ing. A really wise man is one who is meek. He does not harbor re­ sentment or carry a spirit of retal­ iation. He does not parade his abil­ ities or even his virtues. Meekness is not weakness, but is an inward grace. A meek man will not struggle against the will of God for his life. There is confusion when human wisdom is exercised. Envy and strife mark the hearts of those who are so guided. False wisdom soon be­ trays itself by producing bitterness (vrs. 14). Unfortunately some Chris­ tians entertain these evil disposi­ tions of character. The condition of the heart will always reveal it­ self by our speech and behaviour. The word "envying" refers to zeal. Generally in the New Testa­ ment it is an evil or bitter zeal, representing an unholy ambition. It is the attitude that begrudes another Christian his success. This is a party spirit of competition and rivalry. Such will cause factions on every side. Jealousy and partisan­ ship always disrupt God's work. The church is not to be run like a hard-hearted or soft-headed busi­ ness. This does not mean things should be slip-shod, but at the Page 47

tradiction anywhere else. Whoev­ er heard of a spring that one day sent sweet water gushing out and the next day gave forth bitter? We ought to be very very careful. James tells us that the conduct of the truly saved, born-again child of God ought to be consistent es­ pecially in this respect. If the Holy Spirit is really working in our lives then our tongues will be the first to reveal it. Teachers of God's Word have a greater responsibility than others. Their judgment will be more severe if they do not dis­ charge their duties faithfully before the Lord. The greatest contradic­ tion in nature is a tongue shouting the praises of God one minute and tossing out the venom of cursing and criticism with the next breath. It is sad to detect these inconsis­ tencies between what a Christian professes and what he actually says. We certainly need to be very careful about the use of the tongue as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Wisdom on Exhibition Nothing has so stirred my heart in recent days as this study on the Epistle of James. How very per­ sonal and practical are his admon­ itions given under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. James' message is certainly for this very day. Beginning at 3:13 the message is given concerning true spiritual wisdom as compared to that which is on a human level. The one is be­ stowed while the other is acquired. Wisdom is not synonomous with knowledge. A man may earn sev­ eral university degrees and yet not be wise in the use of knowledge. On the other hand, a person may have very little formal education and still show great wisdom and

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