KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-08

else available for our study today. Such is certainly evident in the Epistle of James, and even more specifically here as we see the ex­ planation of our troubles begin­ ning in chapter four. As believers one of our prime needs is that promised divine help which will enable us to submit to the Lord and be separate from the world. War has been the major enter­ prise on this planet since the dawn of human history. In the past 3000 years there have been about 200 years of relative peace. According to "US News and World Report" there are more than 20 wars being waged in the world at this present hour. International conflicts are the rule, and not the exception. The tragedy shown in James 4:1 is the fact that these "wars and fightings" are "among you," as the Apostle writes to believers in the church. What a sad state of affairs! (Notice the sharp contrast between 3:18 where peace is mentioned twice and 4:1 where wars are listed two times.) Wars are related to earthly wis­ dom. No matter how cultured, in­ tellectual and refined a person may claim to be, he is only dealing with human wisdom until he receives the wisdom of Cod by accepting Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. The wisdom which does not de­ scend from above, always issues from below in bitter envying and strife (James 3:16). As with this present hour, in James' case a state of war existed among members of the Christian brotherhood. They had set them­ selves to bickering and brawling. Such unbecoming conduct arose because of their lusts and selfish coveteousness. It is a sad but true Page 51

wonderful attributes for the wise person in Christ. All around us are those who are carefully watching us as we live out our Christian lives and experience. We must constant­ ly look to the Word of Cod, re­ membering that the Holy Spirit de­ sires to produce these fruitful char­ acteristics in us. We need to remind young peo­ ple not to become conceited with their educational advantages and secular pursuits as God regards all philosophy, literature, science and criticism as being separate from His true wisdom. The intellectual circles of our day, reflecting only human natural reasoning apart from Cod, still regard the message of Calvary's cross as an affront to common sense. They do not be­ lieve it and will have nothing to do with it. Human reason always comes to conclusions diametrically opposed to Cod's revelation. What God says is true while earthly rea­ son is often not. Worldly wise men are sometimes proud of their self- gained knowledge. They are eager for discussion and disputation. Such is not wisdom from above (James 1:5, 7). To reap a harvest of the fruit of righteousness we will need to sow the seeds of peace (3:18). Such will result in a bountiful harvest. Righteousness is really another characteristic of divine wisdom. In fact the word originally meant "right-wiseness." Our thoughts need to be straight as we consider God and His perfect will for our lives. Cantankerous Christians In Cod's Word we can gain a better insight into man's true na­ ture than anywhere or anything

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