King's Business - 1930-01


She Bible Tamils Magazine January - 1930



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Reflection Pool in Rainier National Park. Mt. Rainier is reflected in the

■Herbert Photos, Inc.



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THE KING’ S BUSINESS W illiam P. W hite , D .D ., E ditor J. E. J aderquist , P h .D., M anaging E ditor Motto: “I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Volume XXI January, 1930 Number 1 Table of Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table............. ............................................ 3 Editorial Comment ........................................ ........................................ 5 A Message for the New Year—F. J. Horsefield..... ..... . .............— 7 The Salvation of Scripture—The Need—B. B. Sutcliffe.................. 9 The Way o f Peace—Henry C. Buell................................................ 11 The Old Testament on Trial—J. A. Huffman, D.D.......................... 13 Adventures in Soul Winning—George T. B. Davis ............... ........16 The Hunan Bible Institute—Frank A. Keller1............ .......................17 Seed Thoughts from St. Mark—Rev. Wilfred M. Hopkins........... 19 Gleanings from the Harvest Field....... .......................—.............— 22 Heart to Heart With Our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell .... .................................'.------------------- 24 Radio KTBI .................................................... Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell.... ............................................... 31 Homiletical Helps for Preachers and Teachers..................................32 The Junior King’s Business— Sophie Shaw Meader..........................33 To the Jew First—David L. Cooper............................................... .... 35 The Regions Beyond ............—— .......................... - .....................-36 Our Literature Table........... ..... 37 A Book A Month.............. ...................................................................38 International Lesson Commentary.........................................................39 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Alan S. Pearce.... ............................. 47 Daily Devotional Readings........:.— .......................................................50

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■ M i l l


Looking Toward the Twento-Firsi Milestone ^JTHE K ing ' s B usiness upon reaching its majority greets all its old and new friends and invites them to look forward to the things that are before. For some months past the motto has been "Forgetting the Things that are Behind”

For 1930 the slogan will be

"Stretching Forward to the Things Which are Before”

With this present issue, we take pleasure in introducing some new members o f our editorial staff who will journey with us. Dr. H. W. Boyd will be in charge o f the new department to be known as The Regions Beyond. Dr. Boyd has spent twenty-five years as a med­ ical missionary in China and Siam. Beginning with the March issue, the Children’s Division o f Sunday School Lessons will be edited by Miss Edith Lillian Young, o f Ken- nebunk, Maine. Miss Young is a writer o f recognized ability. Her stories for children have been published in a number o f the largest periodicals in the country. Find on another page a poem from her pen— “ God Bless Thee.’ ’ The children will be delighted with this new friend. Your attention is drawn to a new series o f articles on Salvation by Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe, o f the Portland Union Bible Classes, Portland, Oregon, beginning with this present issue under the title “ The Need o f Salvation.” The remaining chapter titles are: “ The Source o f Salvation,” “ The Nature o f Salvation,” “ The Extent o f Salvation,” “ The Provision o f Salvation,” “ The Assur­ ance o f Salvation,” “ The Enjoyment o f Salvation,” “ The Mani­ festation o f Salvation,” “ The Consummation o f Salvation.” Dr. J. A. Huffman o f Marion Theological Seminary, Marion, Indi­ ana, promises two or more communications! from Palestine where he will be engaged in archeological research for some months, together with Professor Melvin Grove Kyle, o f Xenia Seminary, Other good things will be reserved for future announcements. Remember the slogan for 1930. “Stretching Forward to the Things Which are Before”


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romthe King’s t£

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->—£ £ § By the Editor

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e s c / j a - HE LORD ’ S SUPPER IS A MEMORIAL . OF THE DEATH OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. , Like the Passover, it teaches: First, salva­ tion is from death. As there hung over Egypt on the dark night the awful threat of impending doom, so there hangs over a lost world the sentence of eternal death. “ The wages of sin is death.” Let us not forget that note in our teach­ ing. Salvation is from eternal death. “ Men do not preach these days like Jonathan Edwards,” said one recently. That is true, neither do sinners tremble as they did under the

“Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot; To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”

T HE LORD ’ S SUPPER IS A PROPHECY OF THE COMING BACK OF OUR SAVIOUR, “ till He come.” Jesus Christ is coming back in bodily form to this earth. When He parted with His disciples, two mes­ sengers stood by and said,-“ Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same'Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him ! g0 jnt0 heaven.” No Christian has a right to ig­

teaching of that faithful man of God. Men will never come to a proper estimate of the work of Jesus Christ until they see the heinousness of sin and its terrible consequences. Second, salvation is by substi­ tution. I can imagine an Israelite father boasting that he would not apply the blood to the lintel and the two sideposts of his home. He would say, “ I shall tell the de­ stroying angel when he comes here how good I am. I’ll show him my record of honesty. I ’ll show him my record as a good husband, and a good father.” But the destroy­ ing angel on that dark night in Egypt was not looking for honest men, good husbands or good fa­ thers; he was looking for blood. “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood o f Jesus.”

nore the Blessed Hope of the Church of Jesus Christ. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper, w.e look two ways. We look behind us to the Cross, and we look before us to the Glory. HE LORD ’S SUPPER IS A PRESENT MEANS OF GRACE. What is the value of re­ membering the Edeath of Jesus Christ on the Cross?. First, it in­ creases love for Him. Love is the greatest constraining force in the world. “ We love him, because he first loved us.” The Lord’s Sup­ per calls on us to think of this love. Second, it creates a hatred of sin. “ The Lord made to meet upon him”—my sin. Sinai never made me hate sin. It made me tremble, it made me afraid to sin, but Calvary makes me hate sin. T

Another Year is Dawning Another year is 'dawning! ' Dear'Master,"let it be, In working or in waiting— Another year with Thee. Another year in leaning Upon Thy loving breast, O f ever-deepening trustfulness, O f quiet, happy rest. Another, year o f mercies, . O f faithfulness and grace, Another year o f gladness, In. the shining of Thy face. Another year o f progress, . Another year o f praise, Another year o f proving Thy presence all the days.

■—Frances Ridley Havergal.

“ Not by works of righteousness which we have done.” I ’m not much concerned about a man’s theory of the atonement, if he believes with all his heart that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for his sin. He suffered the penalty. “He paid the debt that made me free.” “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only be­ gotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Third, salvation is by the obedience of faith. All that Israel was required to do. on Passover night was to believe the Word of God, and act upon that belief. “ And none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning.” Their safety was in believing God. It was not in what they were, but where they were. Happy the man who can say: “Just as I am without one plea,

Third, it gives confidence that all needs áre supplied. “ He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things ?” “ But my God shall supply all your need accord­ ing to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Fourth, it opens up a place o f prayer and worship. The Lord’s Supper reminds me, in the busy rush of these days, that there is a mercy-seat: At the death of Christ, the veil of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom. It was not thrown back,by the hand of man, but by the hand of Almighty God. We have access to God through Jesus Christ the righteous. “Five bleeding wounds He bears, Received on Calvary’s Tree; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly plead for me.” With what confidence may we draw nigh to God! Fifth, the Lord’s Supper reminds me that I must for­ give my brother. With the exception of the sin of com-

But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidst me come to Thee; O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


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January 1930

plaining, I believe that unforgivingness of our brethren is the most serious, among God’s people today. It has a good effect upon, us when we look away from the “ bitter­ ness, and wrath, and malice, and evil speaking” among us, back to the cross from which our Lord Jesus Christ looked down upon His enemies and said, “ Father, for­ give them; for they know not what they do.” I f we can­ not love our brother whom we have seen, how can we love God whom we have not seen? What is the practical value in looking for the imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ? He told us to look for His coming, but He must have some purpose in it. First, it is a motive to personal holiness. “ Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall b e : but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in, glory. Mortify therefore your mem­ bers which are upon the earth.” “ For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world [ag e ]; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Second, it is an incentive to heavenly mindedness. “ For our conversation [citizenship] is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change the body of our humiliation, and make it like unto the body of his glory.” “ And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence,, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” Third, it is an incentive to brotherly love. “ And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, . . . . to the end he may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.” Fourth, it is an incentive to keep watch over our spir­ itual condition. “ Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burn­ ing ; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him imme­ diately.” “ Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching,” “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revela­ tion of Jesus Christ.” Fifth, it is an incentive to patience. “ Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.” “ Be ye also patient; . . . . for the coming of the Lord draw- eth nigh.” Sixth, it is an encouragement to steadfastness. “ Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great rec­ ompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” Seventh, it is an inspiration to service. “ Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Eighth, it is a consolation in sorrow. “ Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And- if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am,

there ye may be also.” “ But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye Sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not precede them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the trump of G od : and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall ye ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” Ninth, it is the normal attitude o f the Christian to be looking for the Lord Jesus Christ. “ Ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; and to wait for His Son from heaven.” “And so I am waiting quietly every day, Whenever the sun shines brightly, I rise and say, ‘Surely it. is the shining o f His face.’ ' And I look toward the gate of His high place beyond the sea, For I know He is coming shortly to summon me; And whene’er the shadow crosses the window o f my room, I lift my head from my appointed task, and ask if He has come; And the Spirit answers sweetly in my room, ‘Only a few more shadows, and He will come.’ ” “ The Lord direct your hearts in the love of God and in patient waiting for Jesus Christ.” Biola Honor Roll HP HE Bible Institute of Los Angeles has great reason to be grateful to its prayer helpers. I f there were opportunity and if it were proper to tell abroad the story of repeated and remarkable deliverances in emergencies during the past months, the response of all would be, “ Prayer changes things.” Neither human wisdom nor human resources of any material sort would have suf­ ficed had not God stretched forth His hand. But now, without shame, acknowledgment is made that there is yet need for. earnest prayer and consecrated giving. Students are in the Institute in training for Christian service. Evan­ gelists are earnestly and diligently at their tasks, with good results. The important and unique work in China is bringing in a harvest of souls. This world-wide ministry can only continue as God through His people supplies the need. A recent suggestion that a call be made for 20,000 vol­ unteers for a Biola Honor Roll is meeting with a very hearty response. The conditions of membership are: First: To pray daily for God’s blessing upon the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Second : To give One Dollar each month for one year toward the support o f the work. Third : To secure another Honor Roll member, if possible. If God prompts you to become a partner in this busi­ ness, send your name and address to Dr. W . P. White, 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles. I desire to have my name upon the Biola Honor Roll. Name.... .................... ii-'A



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January 1930

the reverse of the old method. Is this new method right? Will it succeed? These questions were answered in the negative by Dr. Nathan E. Wood, Professor of Theology at Gordon Col­ lege, in an address to the alumni of that college last May. Dr. Wood has a right to speak, for he has spent more than sixty fruitful years in the ministry. We ought never to forget that we are the ministers of Christ’s Gospel . . . We have been personally called and com­ missioned by our Lord, not because we are expert business men, or familiar with political management, or with art, or literature, or the economic machineries of the world . . . A sum­ mer school advertises as instructors a group of t e a c h e r s from a school of agriculture. They are to teach ministers in rural communities how to raise vegetables, grain and cattle; how to abolish pests which prey on growing crops, so that they may show their parishioners how properly to manage farms. It is urged with plausibility that in this way the minister may win men to Christ. What a travesty on the ministry of Christ! . . . Our clear business is to set forth God to man. We are to do this through words in a message of “good news,” and to all men it is “news” o f the most up-to-date kind. There is nothing so new and so fresh to men whose minds are occupied all the week with the business and the affairs of life, as the Gospel of redemption. -o- A New Estimate of Modernism r^ "'H E editor of The New York a tt i r i Vorld, Mr. Walter Lippmann, has written a book, “ A Preface to Mor­ als,” which is attracting a good deal of attention. He does not write as a Christian, nor even as a friend of Chris­ tianity. With his general conclusions, both Conservatives and Liberals will doubtless find fault. His estimate of the two schools of thought, as represented by Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick and Dr. J. Gresham Machen, will give little comfort to the Modernist and will be a great conso­ lation to conservative defenders of historic Christianity. Mr. Lippmann shows how Dr. Fosdick has none of the certainty and assurance that Christian preachers have had who have accepted the Bible as authoritative. He writes: Churchmen like Dr. Fosdick can make no such claim about their message. They reject revelation. They reject the author­ ity of any church to speak directly for God. They reject the literal inspiration o f the Bible. They reject many parts of the Bible as not only uninspired, but false and misleading. They do not believe in God as a Lawgiver, Father and Spectator of human life. When they say this or that message in the Bible is permanently valid, they mean only that in their judgment, according to their reading o f human experience, it is a well-tested truth. To say this is not merely to deny that the Bible is authori­ tative in astronomy and biology; it is to deny equally that it is authoritative as to what is good and bad for men. Some­ thing which hitherto has been quite fundamental is left out of Modernist creeds. That something is the most abiding of all the experiences of religion, namely, the conviction that religion comes from God! One would seek far for any more clear statement con­ cerning the complete bankruptcy of Liberalism than Mr. Lippmann gives. He is certain that such a religion will not attract people to churches. Their sense of the om-

The Freudian Menace _T has been predicted by not a few careful obser­ vers that a more subtle and dangerous foe to the Church than evolution has ever been will yet be found in the sphere of psychology. This is so because evolution is, after all, only a theory con­ cerning the origin and development of life, while the false psychology becomes a philosophy of life. Evo­ lution strikes indirectly at the foundations of the Chris­ tian faith, it is true, but the popular forms of behavioristic psychology of the day practically deny and displace every idea of moral obligation to God and man. The prevalent Freudian craze is an evidence of the deep descent in folly and shame of which fallen men are capable when they cut loose from the restraints of the Christian revelation. It is difficult to discuss Freudianism without giving offense to those who are accustomed to clean thinking. Dr. W. A. Squires, Director of Religious Education of the Presbyterian Church, writing of some of the Freudian theories in The Presbyterian says: If I should explain what these theories are and this article were published in The Presbyterian, the publishers would lay themselves liable to fine and imprisonment for sending obscene literature through the mails. That these words are not the ravings of a fanatic or an alarmist, is proved by the fact that there has been an arrest in one of the Southern States for doing that which Dr. Squires has mentioned. An irate father whose daugh­ ter rebelled against Freudian psychology, taught by a male instructor in a State College for women, must an­ swer before a Federal Court for sending through the mails obscene matter, which was copied from textbooks in use in the college. There will be a hue and cry about “ academic freedom” and tirades against “ bigotry,” com­ ing from colleges and universities all over the land, but surely the American people are not yet so “ liberal” as to permit irreligion and immorality to be taught in tax-sup­ ported schools. Dr. Squires is right when he says: Let us look at the situation in the light of common sense. To combat this grievous error is not narrow-minded bigotry; not hysteria. It is a duty we owe to our offspring and to the religion which we profess. Are Preachers Needed ? S OME months ago there was held in an Eastern State an interdenominational gathering of ministers and laymen for the purpose of discussing ways and means to help the rural churches. One who was present reports that the discussion centered around the question of the relation of the Church and the pastor to social, civic and political problems of the community, but that not one word was said about the duty of the Church to preach the Gos­ pel of Jesus Christ. Nor was this an isolated or unusual case. The modern emphasis is upon “ social service,” with the regeneration of the individual as a mere by-product—


January 1930

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niscience and omnipresence of God is lost, and with it has disappeared reverence and the desire to worship Him. The case for Fundamentalism is taken by Mr. Lipp- mann from Dr. Machen’s book “ Christianity and Lib­ eralism,” which he praises very highly as “ the best popu­ lar argument produced by either side in the current con­ troversy.” He adds: Dr. Machen insists, rightly, I think, that the influence of Christianity has depended upon the belief that an historic drama was enacted in Palestine nineteen hundred years ago . . . The veracity of that story was fundamental to the Christian Church. Dr. Machen goes to the very heart of the matter when he in­ sists that you have destroyed the popular foundations of re­ ligion if you make your gospel a symbolic record o f experience, and reject it as an actual record of events. And the Liberals have yet to answer him when he says that the Christian movement was based, not on mere feeling, but on an account of facts . . . Christianity was certainly a way of life. But how was the life to be produced? Not by appealing to the human will, but by telling a story; not by exhortation, but by the narration of an event. Thus Mr. Lippmann counts Dr. Machen’s victory over the Liberals to be complete. His testimony, as an unbe­ liever, that Liberalism is not Christianity, is most interest­ ing. — o — Conciliation or Controversy I T may not be easy to determine upon an attitude to­ ward the Roman Catholic Church which would apply to all conditions in all lands. Rome has always been able to shrewdly adapt her method to her environment. Yet her attitude, at heart, toward Protestantism never changes. In lands where she is in power, politically as well as ecclesiastically, she never hesitates to persecute those who differ with her. What should be the attitude of Protestants under such conditions? Should they avoid such lands altogether, acknowledging that the Roman Catholic Church is a Christian church giving a satisfac­ tory message? Or, being there, should the missionary, in the face of persecution, adopt a conciliatory or a contro­ versial attitude and method? Such questions as the above arose in Buenos Aires on the occasion of the recent visit of Dr. E. Stanley Jones. In a conference with national pastors of all denominations he expressed his opinion frankly that the Protestants had little influence in those lands because they gave themselves up to controversy. He referred to his own attitude toward Hinduism, saying that he combatted Hinduism without naming it. When asked what he would advise these pastors to do if they were attacked by the Romanists, he admitted that they had a right to defend themselves. One of the native pastors above referred to, Rev. Juan C. Varetto, gives a vigorous answer to Stanley Jones, a translation of which is published in The Latin American Evangelist. He declares that Dr. Jones was uninformed and not competent to speak with such assur­ ance, for he gave expression to his opinions the day after he landed. Further, in reply to the statement that the Protestants were without influence because of their con­ troversial attitude, he declares the contrary to be the fact, for the most vigorous controversialists have always been the men who had the greatest success. As to the sug­ gestion that they should follow Dr, Jones’ method with Hinduism—that is, to attack Romanism without naming it—Pastor Varetto rather caustically replies : “W e are not partial to such underhand methods. We do not strike a man in the back treacherously.” Again, with regard to ■the right to defend one’s self when attacked, the answer is

made that the Protestant is always attacked in these lands and must always defend himself. After all, the fact remains* as Pastor Varetto says: It is impossible to preach faithfully the truths of the Bible without coming into open conflict with Romanism . . . . It is only necessary to proclaim that there is “none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved,’’ to be found attacking Mariolatry and the worship of saints................ Only a Gospel without color and without savor can avoid con­ flict with the church which calls itself Christian but which has perverted every doctrine o f the Christian faith. . . . We desire to build, but the ground is occupied by a building in ruins which constitutes a real peril for those who inhabit it. We must begin by pulling it down. Without pretending that all Christian workers should be controversialists, we do maintain that our message to Latin America must be a distinctly Protes­ tant message. Ziopism and a “Mouse Complex” AS an aftermath of the recent disturbances in Palestine Y x there are some evidences of discontent and fear among the Zionists. Dr. Abraham Coralnik, writing re­ cently in The New Palestine, vigorously attacks certain alarmists who have suddenly sprung up and who counsel retreat. It reminds him of the words of Maimonides written seven hundreds years ago: Like all other forces, energy varies; some people have much, others little. Some will boldly attack a lion, while others will flee at the sight of a mouse. One man will attack an entire army, another is filled with terror at the threat o f a woman. Taking his text from Maimonides, Dr. Coralnik says that it is time to write a new “ Guide for the Perplexed.” He marvels at the sudden loss of courage, but recognizes that it is a characteristic of the Jew to run away from dan­ ger—that it has become “almost a national sport.” He had hoped for a time, he says, that the Jews “ had learned the art of bold attack.” But in this he is disappointed. “ The Jewish danger complex—the ‘mouse complex,’ if the term be allowed—has reasserted itself. ‘ The Phil­ istines are upon thee, Samson!’ was the old cry. Today we hear: ‘The Arabs are upon thee, Israel!' ” With biting sarcasm Dr. Coralnik proceeds to pay his respects to those who counsel withdrawal from Palestine and the seeking of a refuge for Jews in some other part of the world— “ a country large enough to accommodate millions of Jews and unattractive enough to discourage any other people from settling there.” Concluding his bitter lament he says: Perhaps we should call in Dr. Freud to analyze this Jewish “mouse complex.” Perhaps he would be able to help us in our dire need. Why consult Dr. Freud? Why not call in the great Jewish prophet, Moses? Jehovah, speaking through him, said: If ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments; and if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my command­ ments, but that ye break my covenant: I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror . . . And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you. May it not be a “ sin complex” which troubles the Jews in Palestine and elsewhere? Can Dr. Freud help them? Is not the world’s great tragedy this, that both Jews and Gentiles have a remedy for sin and a deliverance from fear in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, yet He is compelled to say again as He said once before to Jewish leaders, “ Ye will not come unto me, that ye might have life” ?


January 1930

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A Message for the New Year B y F. J. H orsefield (In “ The Life o f Faith” )

“As thy days, so. shall thy strength &e.^-Deut. 33:25. i T is good as we stand upon the threshold of a new year to lay firm hold upon so great and gracious a promise, and claim its fulfillment as part of our normal daily experience. We so often wonder what the future may have in store for us— whether the coming days will be filled with joy or with sorrow, with prosperity or adversity, with gladness or with gloom. But whilst we recognize the impossibility of forecasting with the slightest degree of certainty what any single day or hour may bring to us, yet, with such a

boisterous waters there shines no ray of light, no single star to cheer our onward way. There are days that bring to us all manner of dif­ ficulties and perplexities, that lay upon us heavy burdens of responsibility, anxiety and care; and if the coming year is like all other years we cannot hope to escape from these. But we have the promise of all-sufficient strength: what more can we need? Hitherto, it may be, we have been beset by manifold temptations, and we have no reason to anticipate that the future will be free, from them, yet “ as thy days, so shall thy strength be’ 1 —strength that

will enable us, by the grace of God, to be “more than conquerors” and to have constant victory over all the powers of evil. I t A pplies to A ny T rial or D uty Many of those who will read these words are all through life subject to grievous pain and wear­ iness : for t h e m e a c h d a y brings a renewal of physical suf­ fering, even as each night brings little or no respite from the fur­ nace of affliction. For such, too, the promise is clearly intended, and although the days to come may be just as full as their prede­ cessors of anguish of body or of mental suffering, still the strength to endure will most certainly be given to all who rely upon God’s faithfulness and loving care. There are, too, in the lives of many of the Lord’s own people, d a y s of deep discouragement, when they are bowed down be­ cause of the apparent failure of their work and testimony; or are oppressed with the sense of their

promise as this upon which to lean, we may pursue our journey in happy confidence, and in the as­ sured conviction that He who does know all that shall befall each one of His children, has already so provided for them that they need never feel overwhelmed by life’s sorrows or overburdened by its duties. As they enter upon each day with all its varied tasks and responsibilities, its perils and pos­ sibilities of good or evil, they will find strength proportioned to their need awaiting them, and on every step of their journey will be watched over and upheld by the Omnipotent God. How gracious He is in thus seeking to hush the fears of His children, and to com­ fort their hearts; and as we enter upon another year we can march forward with all confidence if we believe in, and rest upon, His un­ failing Word. 1 T he P romise is F or A ll Such a promise as the one be­ fore us is suitable for all, whatever their circumstances may be. There

God Bl e s s The e B y E dith L. Y oung

God hless thee!

Ever keep and richly bless thee! May He prove His precious love, Other friendships far above. Daily may His strength refresh thee', God bless thee! God bless thee! With each new dawn sweetly bless thee, Tho’ the day be dark or bright, May He fill it with His light; May He let no fears distress thee, God bless thee! God bless thee! Ever guide, uphold, and bless thee, Safely guard through all life’s way, Sweetest peace bestow each day. May no foe nor ill molest thee, God bless thee! God bless thee! For His glory keep and bless thee, - Till,- by His redeeming grace, . When we meet Him face to face, As His own He shall confess thee, God bless thee!

own utter weakness and unworthiness. Perhaps they have been reading the biographies of some who by mighty faith, indomitable energy, or unflagging zeal have wrought wonders in the extension of God’s kingdom and the win­ ning of souls, and as they compare their own life and ser­ vice with that of others they feel completely disheartened, and are inclined to think they can never expect to live a life that will really bring glory to their Lord and Master. It may well be that in many such cases there is very real growth going on, however unrecognized it may be by the believer, or that the Lord is making us grow downwards —getting the roots of our faith more firmly embedded, whilst we are only thinking of growth up­ wards. But in any case, for all discouraged and disap­ pointed followers of the Lord there is always this promise available. Again we think of those exposed to fierce temptation, who, conscious of their inability to resist in their own

are only two words in the original—one undoubtedly meaning “ As thy days,” but the other may be translated either “ strength,” as in our version, or “ rest,” or “ riches.” Yet in a way all these are synonymous: the Christian who is assured of the gift of divine strength to meet every need, enters into a rest of which the world knows nothing, and becomes the possessor of riches that can never perish. Accepting, then, the usual translation, we may notice how the promise Covers all days without exception or lim­ itation—days that are crowded with life’s activities, and days that are spent in solitude and silence, in weariness and suffering; days in which we walk in the sunshine, in the fair garden of prosperity, with the birds,singing all around us and the flowers of lov.e and joy and peace filling our lives with fragrance and beauty; days when the chill­ ing winds of adversity rob us of all earthly delights; days when storms and tempests break over our heads, when dark clouds blot out the sun, and when over the wild and


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tion, of duty, He meets our weakness by the supply o f His own power as we learn to lean upon His arm and rely upon His word. A n I mplied L imitation It is, however, well that we should remind ourselves of an implied limitation even in this promise of succor and of power. The Lord does not guarantee the bestowal of strength according to our desires. He does not require us to work wonders— “He only doeth wondrous things ”— and therefore there is no need that we should be equipped with supernatural ability. Nor does He undertake to give us strength for evils that are purely imaginary. As some­ one has said, “many people spend a good deal of their time in manufacturing troubles; and home-made troubles, like other home-made things, last a long time.” Many of our fears are utterly baseless, and all of them dishonor our gracious Lord. We should soon slay them entirely if we fought against them with a weapon from the quiver of God’s Word, and here is an arrow ready to our hands, “A s thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Nor can we expect to receive grace for weeks and years ahead. “A s thy DAYS ” is His word, and as each day comes there will come with it the fulfillment of the promise. It is good to bear in mind the absolute certainty of the assurance. The truth of it has been proved times without number in the lives of all God’s children who have put it to the test. If we think of “ the noble army of mar­ tyrs” and read the records of their faith and courage we have no difficulty in coming to the conclusion that in their case at any rate it held .good. But we do not need to face suclv fiery trials to discover God’s faithfulness— it is mani­ fest in the daily lives of all who are honestly and earnestly seeking His glory. The ordinary tasks of everyday life furnish innumerable opportunities for the demonstration of it, and even in the most obscure histories of the saints of God illustrations abound of the fulfillment of His pledged word. For after all it is the promise of an Omnipotent God, and He is able to meet every need. “ God issues no more notes for the Bank of Heaven than He can cash at any time.” In His treasury there are stores o f grace sufficient to meet every need, and His knowledge of our real necessities, and His willingness to help, are equal to His ability to ensure the supply of strength to each one of us according to our requirements day by day, however varying and manifold these may be. The promise literally reads, “A s thy days so shall thy strength be,” just as in Isaiah 40:31, we have the assur­ ance “ They that wait upon the Lord shall renew [or change] their strength” — the implication being that our varying circumstances will call for different kinds of strength, so that moment by moment, as well as day by day, we may reckon upon just the strength that will exactly meet our ever-changing needs. How wonderfully gracious is the Lord ; how tenderly does He care for us and provide for all the emergencies o f our daily life. Should we be called upon to pass through the deep water-floods of sorrow we shall have His sup­ porting arm; or through the fires of temptation or perse­ cution, we are sure of His protection. And even when life is just one long monotonous round without any outstand­ ing experiences, we shall have what even then we shall so sorely need, strength proportioned to our necessities. May the Giver of all strength, as of all other blessings, enable us so to rest upon His assurance that we may never entertain any faithless fears, nor shrink from the pathway, however rough, along which He leads.

“ God Knows” B y M avis W anklyn Q hurch What will tide this coming year? God knows. Just how much we have to fear, God knows, What shall tide to make us glad, What arise to make us sad, Out o f which can come no bad, I f God sows! We- shall stumble now and then, God knows! Go back to live our griefs again, God knows! For the future fret today, Forget to trust, forget to pray, And how oft forget to say, “ God knows.” Oh, how thankful we should be, God knows! For if our faults H e could not see, Who knows But scarce a one would mount His stair! For faulty work or faulty prayer Would bar near all from climbing there. God knows! So let us say throughout this year: “ God knows. He is behind the smile, the tear, My soul knows! He doth abide. I will not spy Out where my future troubles lie; For zvhen I reach them, He’ll be by, For He knows!”

strength, and too often forgetful of this gracious assur­ ance, walk in fear and trembling all their days. We cannot, we dare not, lose sight of our own inherent weakness, nor the strength and subtility of the great enemy of our souls. .There are traitors within the city of our humanity that are all too ready to open the gates in response to his temptations from without. But notwith­ standing all this, God’s promise is sufficient to quiet every fear, and to keep us calmly confident, for however fierce the storm of temptation by which we may be buffeted, there will always be the shelter of this glorious assur­ ance, “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” The same truth applies to the tasks of our everyday life, whatever they may be. In the preparation for any duty that lies before us in connection with either definite religious work, or what are usually called purely secular matters; in the discharge of such obligations as business affairs, church life or home responsibilities, whilst our Lord s words, “Apart from me ye can do nothing,” are ever applicable and ever true ; yet, thank God, it is equally true that in Him there are reserves of strength ever at our disposal. And so under all circumstances our need of strength is met. In times of suffering, of disappointment, of tempta­


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s o T c z - y o i G o y The Salvation of Scripture—The Need B y B. B. S utcliffe Portland Union Bible Classes , Portland, Oregon (All rights reserved)

way and found himself out of God’s way and lost. “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). In eating, man doubted God’s word, i.e., His truth. Doubting God’s word he denied His truth, and denying His truth he acted in spite of God and became a criminal. Here again the choice was man’s and again he decided .for Satan and against God. But when he did this he broke God’s law, and this was crime. “ Whosoever com- mitteth sin transgresseth also the law” (1 John 3 :4 ). In eating, man doubted God’s deity, i.e., His person and being. Doubting God’s deity he denied His authority, and denying His authority he acted in opposition to God and became a rebel in the universe. Once again the de­ cision was with man, and once again he decided for Satan and against God. Hence it is written, “ I f when we were enemies we were reconciled to God” (Romans 5 :10). The nature of sin may therefore be summed up in one word:—doubt, or unbelief. It is the primal doubt or distrust of God that denies His nature, which is love; His revelation, which is truth; and His very being, which is Deity. This is the sin of which it is the office of the Holy Spirit to convict man (John 16:9). The salvation of the Scripture is needed because by sin man has become a sinner, a criminal, and a rebel, be­ fore and against God. T he C ondition of the R ace by the F all In the second place the Bible teaches that the need of salvation exists because of the condition of the race by the fall. Each member of the race is involved in Adam’s sin. Each was in Adam when Adam fell. . The question as to whether Adam fell up or down, or whether he be­ came better or worse through the fall, does not alter the fact that he stepped from the place God had in­ structed him to occupy. It was a small thing, just one step, but it was like a step over a precipice. When Adam went over, all the race went in him. The theory that men are born into this world on the plane upon which Adam originally stood, is wholly false. The present generation was born of its parents, and the parents, in turn of their parents, and so on back until we reach Adam after the fall. All come into this world upon the plane to which, and not from which he fell. “A s by one man sin entered the world and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). Each member of the race is involved individually by personal sin. “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). “All have sinned and come short o f the glory o f God” (Romans 3:23). “ I f we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us .............. I f we say we have not sinned we make God a liar” (1 John 1:8, 10). Each member of the race has sinned and come short of the standard. That standard is none other than the Son of man, the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the perfect Man, God’s standard. It may be that the coming short is much less with some than with others, but none reaches to the

ARIOUS church creeds in both Roman Cath­ olic and Protestant communions as well as various so-called sacred writings such as the Koran, Vedas, etc., contain teaching concern­ ing the subject of Salvation. Turning from all such teaching to the Bible, we are to seek, not for confirmation of what we already believe, but for information as to what the Bible really does teach on this subject. We will begin by seeking information as touch­ ing the need of salvation, and when we open the Bible the need is at once apparent. T he F all of the R ace In the first place the Bible teaches that the need of salvation exists because of the fall of Adam. By this fall sin came into the world, and death by sin. In the Old Testament this fall is directly referred to in Genesis 3 : 1-6; Job 31:3; and Hosea 6:7 (R . V .). As far as the fact of the fall is concerned, the Bible repeatedly declares it, and it is everywhere assumed throughout the Scriptures. Man also admits the fact of the fall, though the world’s writers and philosophers may call it by another name. Conscience also reminds us of the fall by setting up a standard within each man unto which none can measure; no man feels he is as good as he ought to be. The nature of the fall is revealed in the record of Genesis 3 :l-6. It is to be noted that the fall came because the fact, the truth, and the immutability, of the revelation God gave to man were brought into question. “ Yea, hath God said?” questioned the fact; “ Ye shall not surely die,” questioned the truth; and “ Ye shall be as God,” questioned the immutability of the revelation. That which we usually call sin—murder, lying, steal­ ing, etc.— is merely the fruits or results of sin. They are sins, the effect, rising from sin, the cause. If sin were absent the sins would not be there. It is for this reason that, in any plan for helping the race, sin itself must be considered. The words of Genesis 3 :6, “ he did eat,” reveal the true nature of sin. This “ eating” was a small thing in man’s estimation. The thing he did was good, because there was nothing wrong with the tree or its fruit. God had declared that this tree, together with all other trees, was “ very good” (Genesis 1:31). There-was nothing hein­ ous in eating; the -tree was good and the fruit was good ; why then should he not eat of it? But it was a tremen­ dous thing in God’s estimation, because in eating man re­ vealed the heart and nature of sin, from which all the ills that afflict mankind have sprung. In eating, man doubted God’s love, i. e., His nature. Doubting God’s love he denied His goodness, and deny­ ing His goodness he acted apart from God and became a sinner. Man stood, as it were, at a crossroad. He must make a decision. God had said, “ Thou shalt not eat” ; Satan said, “ Eat.” The final decision rested with the man, and he decided for Satan and against God, thus indicating that he believed Satan to be good and God to be evil. But it was man’s choice and he chose his own

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