King's Business - 1930-01

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Hunan Bible Institute Changsha , Hunan, China


o f th e

Bible Institute of Los Angeles

H unan B ible I nstitute

D r . F rank A. K eller S uperintendent

0 ° H E Institute is located at Changsha, the capital of Hunan. Students from six of the f Q largest provinces, representing nearly one-half the population of China, are now in attendance. The Correspondence Department has students from every province of China and also from the United States and from other lands, where Chinese are living. Short Term Courses of six weeks each are offered twice each year, for Bible study and training in thè latest and best methods of Christian work. The Biola Evangelistic Bands are made up of earnest Christian meri who work under the guidance of a carefully trained leader. They carry on systematic and widespread evangelism and Bible teaching in the unevangelized districts of various missions. At the time of writing all of the bands have engagements for the next two years, some of them for longer periods. Evangelism, a bi-monthly religious magazine, is published and it is meeting a long-felt need. The list of subscribers is growing constantly. An Autumn Bible Conference is held annually at Nanyoh, one ' of the five so-called “ Sacred Mountains” of China, at the time of the annual pilgrimages to this famous shrine. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims gather there to worship. Christian workers of many mis­ sions and from many provinces join together for three weeks of systematic Bible study and for intensive evangelism among the pilgrims. Some of the strong Christian leaders of China today were once pilgrims to Nanyoh and were converted there by God’s blessing on the work of our evangelists and of delegates to the conference.

Los A ngeles , N ovember , 1929

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