King's Business - 1930-01


T h e

K i n g ’ s

January 1930

B u s i n é s s

intercession, also, the results of which can not be mea-t sured or tabulated. Answers to prayer are frequently, recorded. Institute Students are Heard O N the second and third Mondays of each month. 9:45 to 10:30 A. M., our Institute Superintendents, Mr. Hale and Miss Culter, have charge of the KTBI studio. Listeners in at this hour will learn much about the work of the Institute from the students. The December program as arranged and carried out by Mr. Hale, elicited much favorable comment. Here is the program: . Violin Solo—Everett Pearce. Why I am Preparing for Boy’s Work—LLeonard Eilers. Violin Solo—Everett Pearce. Message from China, in Preparation to Return to the Field—Adolph Trygstad. Xylophone Solo—Leland Green,, former B. I. student. Message— “ Student Missionary Union”— D a w s o n Trotman. Xylophone Solo—Leland Green. Now, don’t you wish you had listened in ? Have You Counted the Cost? Two young soldiers were talking about the service of Christ. One of them said: “ I cannot tell you all that the Lord Jesus is to me, or what He has done for me. I do wish you would enlist in His army.” “ I am thinking about it,” answered the other young man, “ but .it means giving up several things— in fact, I am counting the cost.” A Christian officer just passing heard the last remark, and, laying his hand on the shoulder of the young soldier, said : “ Young man, you talk of counting the cost of follow­ ing Christ, but have you ever, counted the cost of not fol­ lowing Him ?” ,' For days that question exercised the mind of that young than, and hp found no rest till he trusted the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sinners, whose faithful sol­ dier he. had been for twenty-seven years.---7'. in “ Scat­ tered Seed.” How to Face the New Year 1. Face the New Year with the Old Book. 2. Face the New Needs with the Old Promises., 1 3. Face the New Problems with the Old Gospel. 4. Face the New Life with the Old Remedies. — Selected.

K T B I as an Educational Force STANLEY H. BAILES is giving a splendid course in religious education as the following outline indicates and proves Study One—-Personal characteristics, quali­ fications and equipment of the teacher. Study Two}—Methods of teaching, such as

of the lecture, discussion, story, object and question methods. Study Three—The purpose, discovery and use of illus­ trations. Study Four—How to outline the lesson: Study Five—The place of handwork and other forms activity. Study Six—Contests, prizes and motives. Study Seven—Reviews and Examinations. Study Eight—The ultimate aim of the teacher—deci­ sion day methods compared and analyzed. Study Nine— The relation of the school to the teacher. Hosts of teachers are listening in Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays, 8:45 to 9:15 A. M. “ Some Program” I N his review of Current Events, 8:15, Tuesday morn­ ing, Dr. Boyd discussed the following items of inter­ est: 1. The Russian and Chinese quarrel in Manchuria. 2. The Chinese immigration into Manchuria. 3. Moslem riots in Palestine. 4. A Brick from Babylon. 5. British Colonists in Kenya, Africa, in relation to the Masai arid Lumpwe Uprising. SURELY THIS IS WORTH W H ILE ! ! ! Excerpts From Letters Recently Received F ROM Altadena-—“ Dear Dr. White: ‘ Please keep up your talks between 9:00 and 10:00 Sunday evening. We greatly enjoy them.” From an Appreciative Listener— “ I am enclosing check for $10 to help along the work of KTBI. It is only a small drop in a big bucket but please accept it as a Thanksgiving offering.’’ From a Widow 65 Years Old-—“ Your studio is a fountain of blessing day after day. ’Tis like a garden of rare flowers in a desert. May God bless you one and all in your good work.” A Prayer Ministry O N the 4th of December, thirteen special requests for prayer were received and on the following day four­ teen additional requests came in. Most of these are sent to Dr. Ward’s office in response to his Devotional Mes­ sages broadcast every morning from 8:15 to 8:45. This involves not only a preaching ministry, but a ministry of

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