King's Business - 1930-01


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K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

January 1930

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§ 1 Alumni SNotes By Cutler B. Whitwell

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MR. AND MRS. REX MITCHELL (nee RUTH WHITLOCK), ’21 and ’22, are rejoicing in the new field o f labor to which the Lord has called them. Mr. Mitchell is pastor of the Baptist Church at Paso Robles, California. PAUL LEUSCHNER, ’29, has been appointed by the Headmaster of the Rob­ ert E. Lee Military Academy to give the chapel talk every third day to the stu­ dents. Paul is on the teaching staff o f the Academy, which is located at La Crescenta, California. OTTIS L. PRIDDY, ’25, is supplying as pastor for a church in Perry, Iowa. He and his wife are expecting to go to Wheaton in February, where Ottis hopes to attend Wheaton College. WM. HARLEY KING, ’25, has taken the pastorate of the Calvary Mennonite Church at Quarryville, Pennsylvania. Mr. King has been in the service at Flag­ staff, Arizona, and called at the Institute before leaving for Pennsylvania. HELEN MILLER, T 8 , writing from Manteca, informs us that she is still in evangelistic work, with headquarters at San Francisco. MISS MILDRED LILYQUIST, ’24, P. G. ’26, has recently been engaged by Immanuel Presbyterian Church as one of the workers in the Department of Chris­ tian Education. REV. ALVA McCLAIN recently paid a visit to the Bible (Institute and told us of his class in Doctrine which he is hold­ ing at the First Brethren Church in Long Beach. The class, which has an atten­ dance of over two hundred, meets each Thursday evening. The Rev. Mr. Mc­ Clain is Minister of Education of the above-named church. JIRO SHIROMA, ’22, P. G. ’23, was graduated from Wheaton College in June, 1929, and is now attending Princeton Theological Seminary preparing himself for the ministry. Jiro’s letter is full of interesting things relating to his travels to Niagara Falls and a trip to the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. It is gratifying to note his continued interest in B. I. happenings and his request to be remembered to any Japanese students here now. FRANK MARTENS, ’29, who has' been working for the Lord in far-off Sas­ katchewan, has returned to Los Angeles to pursue further high-school studies. MRS. ROBERT HOOBYAR (nee EVELYN PALMER, ’21) writes from Berkeley, California, and sends greetings to her friends and those of her husband. JOHN BERG, ’24, writes from Mari­ etta, Oklahoma, where he is pastor o f the Presbyterian Church.

WILFRED BUTCHER, ’29, is located at 120 Arlington Street, Winnipeg, Mani­ toba. He is in charge of a Presbyterian field in the city. CHOATE N. BALCH, T9, is pastor, at the present time, o f the Christian Church at Rialto, California. H. G. DEAN, of the Biola Book Room, gives us this bit of information: “ Choate is doing a good work over there and his people are very fond of him.” ISABELO I. PACQUING, ’24, has not only finished college at Wheaton, but has had a year o f graduate work at North­ western University and Garrett Biblical Institute, but is now receiving his semi­ nary training at Princeton. Mr. Pac- quing may return to his home in the Philippines after his educational prepara­ tion is completed. MR. AND MRS. VERNON BROWN (nee CATHERINE BERNARD, ’20) are in charge o f Eastside Neighborhood House, Butte, Montana, this being their third year in that field. MARION JENKINS, former student and faculty member, is Director of Chris­ tian Education in the Presbyterian Church at Wenatchee, Washington, and is happy and busy in this service. ■ GRACE S. SCUDDER, ’25, is en­ gaged in missionary endeavor at Zam­ boanga, Mindanao, Philippine Islands. Grace attended the .Missionary Training Institute at Nyack, and is affiliated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance Board. Several Bible Institute graduates are studying at the University o f California, Los Angeles. Among this number are the following: EDGAR McALLISTER, ’27; MYRTLE BURTON, ’26; EDNA REM-- PLE, ’29: CLIFFORD SMITH, ’27; MR S . LILYBELLE FORSTER. ’27; BETHEL FRANCE, ’24, P. G. ’25. FRANK R. STANLEY, T7, has or­ ganized a union church at Campo, Cali­ fornia. “God’s blessings and approval are manifested. There has never been a church here and we have a lot and foun­ dation . . . also have raised some money for the building.” HARLAN FISCHER, ’26, is a frequent visitor around the building. He has been attending U. C. L. A. but has felt obliged to remain out for this year in order to build up his physical health. God has and is continuing to bless his testimony among university students. Pray for him. CLIFFORD LILYQUIST, ’25, who has been suffering for the past eighteen months with serious hip trouble, is on the road to recovery and has been able to re­ turn to his studies at the University of California in Los Angeles. Pray that God will restore him to complete health.

Recently we were greeted by the REV. A. E. KELLY, formerly Secretary of the Extension Department, when he kindly dropped into our. office. A few days later a card was received announcing the ar­ rival of JOHN ERVIN KELLY, born December 1, 1929. The Lord has called Brother Kelly to minister at the United Presbyterian Church at Whittier, Califor­ nia. Born to MR. AND MRS. CHESTER A. RIGGAN (nee VIOLET STEEN- BARGER, ’21), LOIS RUTH, on No­ vember 17, 1929. Lois Ruth has as her address 2529 Brookway, Indianapolis, In­ diana. Born to MR. AND MRS. THOMAS McNAUGHTON F R E W , Jr. (nee CLARA HOFER, ’23), Newhall, Calif., a son, THOMAS McNAUGHTON FREW, on November 28, 1929. MR. AND MRS. JESSE NEEPER, ’27 (nee IRENE MAUS), are happy in the birth of an heiress, CAROL IRENE, on October 28, in Los Angeles. REV. IVAN C. ELLIS has been called to the pastorate of the West Side Bap­ tist Church o f Seattle. MR. AND MRS. ELLIS completed their Institute training with the class o f ’26. EVELYN PYERITZ, ’22, writes that she had a wonderful summer doing Daily Vacation Bible School work. She is now in Berkeley, having some afternoon classes, and attending school in the morn­ ing. REINA HEAVENER, ’23, is teaching kindergarten and working in the school office at Susanville, California. From a card mailed to the 1 Alumni Association, we take it that she is active in B.Y.P.U, work. JOHN NEUENSCHWANDER, ’25, has finished his college training and is in his second year o f seminary work at the Evangelical Theological College at Dallas. E. L. GARVIN, ’22, has two congre­ gations. in the Presbyterian Church at Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. “God is honor­ ing His Word and blessing us in our ef­ forts. Our attendance and financial sup­ port steadily increasing, and the spiritual life o f the people apparently developing and being enriched. Greetings to all the alumni.” 1 Mr. Garvin is very much im­ proved in health after some time spent at the sanatorium. CHRISTINE FRANDSENl ’21, writes from Langtang, Nigeria: “T h e r e are signs of the constant working o f the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Christians here. . . . Some who had given up giving unto the Lord are now once again regularly bringing their gifts unto Him.” Perhaps this may be a message to some alumnus.

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