King's Business - 1930-01


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

January 1930

He Shall Reign T N a London gallery hangs a painting called “Anno Domini.” It portrays an Egyptian temple from whose portals is­ sues a procession of statesmen, generals, admirals, poets and philosophers. They are bearing aloft a huge idol, the chal­ lenge and the boast of aggressive heathen­ ism. Across the path of the, procession stands a patient ass, its bridle held by a reverent-looking man, on its back a young mother, in her arms a little child. It is Jesus, just entering Egypt in the flight from Herod, and they are crossing the path of aggressive heathenism. It is a noble parable. Its fulfill­ ment has been long delayed, until that Child has become a man, cru­ cified, risen, crowned. But now, in the full majesty of power, He stands. across the pathway of ad­ vancing heathenism. There may be confusion and tumult for a time. “ The nations” may. “rage and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed” ; but the issue is not doubtful. That idol shall be broken “with a rod of iron,” and the King upon “his holy hill" shall have “ the nations” for His “inheritance and the uttermost parts o f the earth” for His “pos­ session." • “God is working His purpose out As year succeeds to year. God is working His purpose out, And the time is drawing near. Nearer and nearer draws the time, The time that shall surely be, When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God, As the waters cover the sea.” O Church of Christ, look upon the har­ vest fields, and hear anew these words of Him for whose coming you wait—“/ have compassion on the multitude." Multitude! Not the multitude of f o u r thousand there in the dim distant past, on the shore of Galilee; but the multitude of many times four thousand now, in this present twentieth century. Hear Him again, “I have compassion on the multitude, be­ cause they have been with me three days, and have nothing to eat.” Three days! O Church of Christ, how long has the multitude throughout the length and breadth of South America been with you? The multitude—yes, the multitude o f Indians! The Indian! See him there, and hear him cry, as he bows beneath the burden upon his shoulders, “ It is not the load — o — The Unfinished Task “I have compassion on the mul­ titude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat.” —Mark 8 :2-3.

upon my back but the load in my heart that weighs me down.” That burden of priestcraft, political corruption, supersti­ tion, ignorance and poverty that has bound him in sin and wretchedness for more than three centuries. That burden that has taken the elasticity from his step, and given instead that shuffling, ser­ vile gait. That burden that has taken the joy from his face, and given instead a countenance, void of hope. That bur­ den that has made a race of slaves o f a Sometimes “ Quenched the violence o f fire, escaped the edge o f the sword . . . and others . . . were slain with the sword.’’— Heb. 11:34, 35, 37. Sometimes the lions’ mouths are shut; Sometimes God bids us fight or fly ; Sometimes He feeds us by the brook; Sometimes the flowing stream runs dry. Sometimes the burning flames are quenched; Sometimes with sevenfold heat they glow; Sometimes His hand divides the waves; Sometimes His billows overflow. Sometimes He turns the sword aside; Sometimes He lets the sharp blade smite; Sometimes our foes are at our heels; Sometimes He hides us from their sight. We may not choose, nor would we dare, The path in which our feet shall tread; Enough that He that path hath made, And He Himself shall walk ahead. The danger that His love allows Is safer than our fears may know; The peril that His care permits Is our defense where’er we go.

—but having heard, that many may be­ lieve and be saved .—China’s Millions.

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Africa Waiting Africa has not all been evangelized. A strip of territory on the Continental Divide, south o f Ruwenzori, and reach­ ing most of the way to Lake Tanganyika, largely high, healthful country, has never been reached. Also large sec­ tions in French Equatorial Africa and much territory in other parts o f the country are as yet unreached. A group of workers, under the Un­ evangelized Africa Mission, with headquarters in California, have entered this country, and four who were already in French Equatorial Africa have joined with them. In the first year, before stations could be secured and permanent build­ ings erected, more than eighty young men have professed conver­ sion. Stations have now b e e n granted; two doctors have volun­ teered to join the little group on the field; one, with his wife, has already reached the field; the other is ready to sail. Out of more than sixteen applicants, God seems to have set His special seal o f ap­ proval on the two doctors, both of whom were in successful practice at home. The full needs of one have been supplied and a large part of those of the second. Other volun­ teers are pagking their goods hop­ ing to be sent out soon. Three mis­ sion sites are already opened and more helpers are needed. Two more, at very important centers, are ready for them to occupy at once. More than a million people without the Gospel are waiting for these workers to go forth. The Call From Central America Rev. Robert H. Bender, who writes the following appeal of San Salvador Mis­ sion, was for many years the Director of Spanish work o f the Bible Institute. “The need grows greater every day. So let us pray, as Jesus commanded, to 'the Lord o f the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.’ ‘ The fields . . . are white already to harvest,’ ‘but the labourers' are few.’ Never has the opportunity been greater than now, and never has the opposition o f the enemy been greater than in these lást few days. Why? Because there is a real hunger on the part of the people for the Word o f God.” —o— Partners Wanted Your Christian faith may be expressed in practice in New Guinea by using the

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people in the same land where once they ruled as kings. The Indian! How long has the multitude been with you, and still have nothing to eat?— The Bolivian In­ dian.

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China’s Need “Lord, by the call o f China’s need, And by the love o f Calvary, Choose and send forth, we humbly plead, Two hundred witnesses for Thee." From every part of China reports tell of the willingness of the people to listen to the preaching of the Gospel. We need to pray for the convicting and converting power o f the Holy Spirit to come upon those who hear. Hearing is not enough

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