King's Business - 1930-01


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

January 1930

Bliss in the early days o f the Gospel song movement. Such songs as, “Dare to be a Daniel,” “Let the Lower Lights be Burn­ ing,” “Why do You Wait?” and “The Great Physician.” About fifty o f the old church ■hymns are also included, which are a strong feature of the book and give balance to the contents in pro­ viding adequate devotional songs. The book is published in both round and shaped note editions and is orches­ trated for eleven instruments. Taber­ nacle Publishing Company. Cloth 70c. Paper 45c.


Immanuel Hymns R eviewed B y J ohn B. T rowbridge This hymnal is one o f the finest col­ lections of hymns that has come to our attention. There are 582 musical num­ bers. In many ways it is the “last word” in hymn publication. In mechanical makeup it has the best of attractive and substantial binding— large and clear type—uniform and cor­ rect arrangement of metrical names—and an absence of the commercial aspects so objectionably present in many books issued by purveyors o f church song books; no copyright notices on hymn pages warning one to “keep off,” no “schedule o f prices,” no obtruding per­ sonal notices that tend to draw attention away from the hymn content of the book. There are the usual English classics without which no hymn book is complete, •such as “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” “Jesus, Lover of my Soul,” “ Lead, Kindly Light,” and “Rock of Ages.” We are giad to note that the last-named hymn, in many ways the greatest in the language, has the full four stanzas instead o f the garbled three-stanza edition found in some books. This careful attention to purity o f text is adhered to throughout the book. The comprehensive scope of •the hymn material here found is also il­ lustrated by the inclusion of many selec­ tions from that greatest of all hymn sources, the German. Here we find Luth­ er’s “A Mighty Fortress,” Rinkart’s “Now Thank We All our God,” Zinzen- dorf’s “Jesus, Still Lead On,” and Ters- teegen’s “Thou Hidden Love of God.” Of the music material there is a rich vein o f new things. Every fifth tune is a new one. A large number of rare themes adapted from classic writers—-Grieg, Sin- ding, Haydn, Mendelssohn, and others— strengthen this feature o f the book, and many beautiful and very singable tunes from folk-songs are included, drawn largely from German and Scandinavian sources. The selections for Scripture readings are splendidly arranged in the back part of the book, and the indices of tunes arranged alphabetically and metrically, as well as those o f hymn subjects and “first lines,” are all that could be desired. The MacMillan Company, Publishers. Price $1.75. _________ ■ ' Sunday S ch oo l Supplies Wl 1,1,1AM II D I E T Z

IN THE Correspondence Course STUDIES IN THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Just what every teacher of the International Lessons needs in preparing their lessons which are in this gospel for the next six months. Each verse treated in the ques­ tion method involving comparisons with other Sci^ptures. Space pro­ vided opposite each question for the student to record his answer. DEFINITE THOROUGH INSTRUCTIVE No examinations— Lesson work and neatness determining grade certificate upon completion. Fee Including all Costs , . ! $ 2 . 00

Sunday School Lesson Helps Peloubet’s Select Notes By A mos R. W ells

This old and well-known commentary continues to maintain a high standard. With some of the exposition, especially on prophetic questions, the readers of T he K ing ' s B usiness : might not be in harmony. The tone is lofty, the author’s loyalty to the Christ o f the Scriptures is unquestioned.

The Gist of the Lesson By D r . R. A. T oerey

Dr. Torrey’s voice is silent but he speaks again through this little book, which for the past thirty years has been a great help to Sunday-school teachers and pupils. Its rich and faithful exposi­ tions o f Scripture are valuable beyond compare. Snowden’s Sunday School Lessons B y J ames H. S nowden Dr. Snowden does' not aim to give expo­ sition and exegesis so much as practical lessons. Yet it should not be inferred that he departs from the Scriptures. Sometimes he seems to stress the “so­ cial gospel” a little too strongly. It is difficult to appraise this commen­ tary. It has a wealth o f useful material, both illustrative and practical. But it can­ not be wholly commended. Very fre­ quently it shows a definite and strong leaning toward Liberalism. If used at all, it must be used with discretion. Voices from Rocks and Dust Heaps of Bible Lands B y J. A. H uffman Dr. Huffman has presented in popular language a few great facts concerning modern discoveries o f the archeologists. The relation of these discoveries to the Bible is discussed in a most interesting way. The book is by no means a com­ plete story of the findings of archeology, nor is it intended to be such. It will cause the reader to have an appetite for more of the same sort. The book could well be used as a textbook in Bible schools or private Bible-study classes. 132 pages. 7% x 4 inches. The Standard Press. Cloth. Price $1.25. Tarbell’s Teachers Guide B y M artha T arbell , P h . D.


Correspondence School Bible Institute o f Los Angeles 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: Enclosed please find $2.00 for which I desire •enrollment in the course, “ Studies in the Gospel of Matthew.”

Our Catalogue is a “ Treasure Mine” for the Sunday School Worker. FREE to Teachers and Officers


The House of a Thousand Things for Church and.Sunday School. Dietz, 20 E. Randolph St., Chicago, ill.

Address .

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