King's Business - 1930-01


January 1930

T h e

K i n g ' s , B u s i n e s s

5. Where the “fruit o f the Spiritt” is wanting it will soon be discovered that the “works" have not been wrought in the power of the Spirit. 6 . A fruitless life is not merely use­ less, it is harmful; fit only for j udgment. 7. Lips may say, “Lord, Lord" when the heart is rebellious (Isa. 29:13; Mark 7:6). 8 . Many men are great “thinkers” in spheres of human knowledge whom God brands as fools because they forsake the highest wisdom. 9. He who builds on Christ the Rock, will not fall, however many and terrible calamities may fall upon him. He who rejects Christ, is quickly cast down by little troubles—then what will he do in the day of judgment? * * * Golden Text-. “ Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire” (Matt. 7:19). G olden T ext I llustration Evil Fruit : This lesson may be used as one to teach the duty of temperance. The evil tree is to be hewn down and de­ stroyed—such is the warning given. In­ temperance is destructive. In Ken­ tucky the other day a paper fell into our hands narrating the arrest of a Kentucky moonshiner at his illicit still. Like others of this class, this illicit still was hidden away in the woods on the mountainside reached by a narrow trail. When cap­ tured, the still was in full blast. The re­ port stated that over the door of this il­ licit distillery were found these words: “It is but two miles to hell from this still.” The Scriptures .assert that no drunkard can enter heaven. The back door of the bootlegger’s “blind tiger” opens into hell. Cut down the corrupt tree.— From “Doran’s Ministers Manual.” * * * Obeying Jesus (Temperance Lesson) Matt. 7:7-14, 24-27. Memory Verse: “ If ye love me, ye will keep my commahdments” (John 14: 15). . Prayer. Approach.—Have you ever on an auto­ mobile trip, boys and girls, come to a place where two roads met? If it were not for the signboards you would not

He tells us how ready our heavenly Fa­ ther is to hear and answer prayer. You know how your mother delights to give you the very gifts you ask for, do you not? But your heavenly Father is far more able than your parents to give good gifts to all who ask Him. He would have His children pray more and more. The Golden Rule is in our lesson to­ day; I need not repeat this for you, for I am sure you know it already. (Repeat to­ gether and apply to temperance and everyday life of child.) Then Jesus speaks of the “two ways.” He says that there are two gates and two ways. One is very wide and looks very beautiful, while the other gate leads to a very narrow way. The broad way may seem very beautiful for a while, but in the end it leads to destruction. Those who take the narrow way may feel that they are missing many of life’s pleasures; but in the end, boys and girls, it leads to heaven and life everlasting. This is the Jesus way, and He walks with every one who chooses this way. Every boy and girl has to decide which gate he or she is going to enter. (Speak of the narrow way being the way of temperance and good habits.) I do hope that every one of you, boys and girls, will choose the narrow way. Jesus closes this wonderful Sermon on the Mount by speaking of two founda­ tions. O f course you have all seen the workmen lay a foundation for a house. Well, Jesus said that the person who obeys Him is like a man who built his house upon a rock. You know how solid a rock would be for a foundation, do you not? Then, when the storms came, the house still stood because the foundation was so strong. But the one who does not obey Him, Jesus said was like a man who built his house upon the sand, which you know makes a very poor foundation for a houwe. When the storms came, this man’s house fell, for the foundation would not stand. Dear boys and girls, you have to choose the foundation for your house. If you accept Jesus as your Saviour your house will be built upon a solid rock, for Jesus is called the Rock. Of course the storms will come (speak of temptations t h a t come to children), but your house will stand and you will have victory through the Lord Jesus. Prayer. . —o— February 16, 1930 Jesus Healing and Helping I. The Place1—Capernaum (1). II. The Paralytic Healed (2-8). 1. His helplessness (2). 2. His helpers (2 ; cf. Mark 2:3). 3. His Healer a. Gives “good cheer” (2). b. Forgives (2, 6 ). c. Silences critics . (3-6). d. Heals (7). 4. His faith and obedience (7). 5. His hinderers a. The crowd (see Mark 2:4). b. The scribes (3). 6 . The effect of the miracle ( 8 ). Lesson : Matthew 8 :l-9:34. (Leijore Text: Matt. 9 :1-13). * * * T he L esson in O utline


C UTTING OUT ORRUPT THINGS OMMANDED Individually and Nationally. ■ »M a t t . 7:19.

R. V .) ? What language describes their outward appearance? What of their in­ ward character ? What is meant by this description ? V. 16. How can a false prophet be de­ tected (Gal. 5:22, 23; 1 Cor. 13:1-8)? Can real “fruit" be imitated? Vs. 17, 18. To have “good fruit" what must we have first? Can the unregenerate bear “good fruit” (John 3 :3, 5) ? V. 19. What is done to a tree that does not yield “good fruit” ? What, then, will happen to those who trust in any form of self-effort and refuse to meet the condi­ tions for the new birth? Into what fire will they be cast (Matt. 13:41, 42; Rev. 20:15; 21:8)? V. 20. What is the final and infallible test o f what a man is? V. 21. Is it right to call Jesus Lord (Rom. 10:9, 10 R. V. ) ? Is merely say­ ing “Lord, Lord," sufficient (Luke 6:46; 13 ;25-27) ? What else is demanded (John 6:29)? V. 22. Is it possible to preach and do wonderful works without being saved? Can we be saved by such “works” ? Is it possible for us to deceive ourselves? V. 23. What will the Lord say to those who have had a profession, but have not surrendered their wills? What is involved in the words, “Depart from me” (Matt. 25:41)? V. 24. What two things are necessary in order to build upon the rock? If we do these things, what shall we be called? What are we asked to “hear” ? What are we to “ do"? V. 25. How will our “house” be tested? What happens to it if built upon the rock ? V. 26. What , is he called who only hears the W ord?'Where does he build? Is it easier to build there than upon the rock? V. 27. What will happen to this house? What kind of a fall will it have? Does this imply that the house was large or that the destruction .was complete? ♦ * * P ractical P oints 1. Only Jesus has been able to per­ fectly fulfill the Golden Rule; but He went beyond it. He did in our behalf far more than we can ever do for Him. 2. There have always been false prophets, turning “ each one to his gain” (Isa. 56:11) and making merchandise of their flock (2 Pet. 2:3): 3. A true shepherd is always intent Upon giving and not upon getting (John 10:11; 1 Pet. 5:1-4). 4. Test a tree by its fruit. So test the teaching o f a religious teacher, or sect, or* movement—not by the wonderful works or strange manifestations they display, but test the works and manifestations by the teaching.

have known which way to go. You would not be very wise if, after read­ ing the signboard and noticing the way th e a r r o w pointed, you delib­ erately c h o s e the other road because it looked wider and better for traveling. Y o u could expect

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to meet with all kinds o f difficulties. (Speak o f the road of bad habits and the Jesus Road, which is the Temperance Road, and which leads to heaven and life eternal). Jesus is still on the mountain talking to His disciples and the great crowds that are gathered round about Him. In our last lesson Jesus taught His disciples to pray. (Review.) In our lesson for today

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