King's Business - 1930-01

January 1930


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

or right to claim all that is in the redemp­ tion of Christ for them.— Faith. I clasp the hand o f love divine, I claim the gracious promise mine, And this eternal countersign, “ I take, He undertakes.” — A. B. Simpson. — o — January 13— “A pure river of water of life . . . . proceeding out o f the throne o f God and o f the Lamb” (Rev. 22:1). The river still flows. It is always pro­ ceeding. There are variations in the cur­ rent and in the depth, but they are not due to intermittent pulsations coming from the source, but to obstacles that men place in the channel. Travelers tell us that at certain seasons of the year, there form up on the main tributary of the Nile, great banks of tropical weed, which stop the flow; and that, when these break, the inundation comes that brings fertility down in the delta thousands of miles away. And so we may pile up ob­ stacles between ourselves and the con­ tinuous flow of the river; and while_its waters are sparkling on the one side, there may lie a dreary expanse of parched and barren clay upon the other. Think of the disciples in Jerusalem for the ten' days of waiting. H ow : they must have felt solitary and helpless without their Master! How eagerly they must have desired that yet unknown equipment which He had promised them! Time spent in waiting is not wasted.— A lex­ ander MacLaren. — o — January 14— “Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees! Say to them that are o f a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not : behold, your God. . . . will come and save you” (Isaiah 5:3,4). All about you are discouraged people. Many a man showing a brave front to the world is only practicing that holy hy­ pocrisy which Christ speaks of when he tells men to anoint their heads and ap­ pear not unto men to fast. They are bearing heavy loads bravely, but they need a word ■of encouragement.— Maltbie D. Babcock. —o;— January 15— “ God hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ" (Eph. 1:3). God has a great store o f blessing to meet- every need; wisdom and guidance in darkness and perplexity, strength and comfort in weakness and suffering, pa­ tience and endurance in trouble and ad­ versity, joy and love in sorrow and lone­ liness. But to obtain His gifts we must meet Him in the heavenly places; in the early morning when the door of our inner chamber is shut and our soul waiteth upon God ; throughout the daily round of ordinary duties, when the heart is up­ lifted again and again into His Pres­ ence; in the special times at the loved trysting place in His House of Prayer, where Christ meets us with nourishment and refreshment, pardon and peace, and sends us forth to His work with strength renewed.— Selected.

He Is Counting On You

He is counting on you! On a love that will share In His burden of prayer, For the souls He has bought W i t h H i s life-blood, and sought Through His sorrow and pain To win “ home” yet again. He is counting on you; I f you fail Him — What then? He is counting on you! Oh, the wonder and grace To look Christ in the face And not be ashamed, F o r y o u g a v e what He claimed, And you laid down your all For His sake—at His call. He is counting on you; And you failed not. What then? — Selected.

Let us tell you how you can quickly and easily learn to play your favorite instrument, right in your own home and in your spare time. Music will make you popular, welcomed every­ where,and offermanybig-moneyopportunities. Easy as A -B -C Ton need know nothing about mdBic to begin. We give you personal, individual instruction right from the start and guarantee your satisfaction. You will be surprised and delighted that music can be made so easy and fascinating. Courses in Piano,Violin,Voice,Trum pet, M ando­ lin, Organ,, Tenor Banjo, Spanish Guitar, Hawaiian Guitar. Surprisingly low cost; easy terms. Send for Our New Catalog Today It will tell you all about this great School—now in its 25th successful year—and the wonderful National Academy Method that has meant success to over 200,000 enthusiastic students. Send for it right now, while you think o f it. It is FREE. NAT IONAL AC AD EM Y OF MUSIC Dept, 2 4 6 702 East 41st Street, Chicago

not much more clothe you, 0 ye o f little faith?" (Matt. 6:30). Worry kills more than work. Fretting is more fatal than fever. One hour of motion without oil will wear a machine more than one month with proper lub­ ricating. The anointing of the Holy Ghost is God’s remedy for friction in soul machinery.— W. N. Hirst. —o— January 17—“And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you : for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him” (Isa. 30: 18), Give God time. They have preserved in Bedford, Eng­ land, the door of the gaol which was locked upon John Bunyan. I looked at it long and earnestly. I thought of the many prayers which Bunyan must have pleaded behind it that the gaol door might swing open for him. Yet for twelve years the bolts of that door stood withdrawn. But the delay was how affluently fruitful. Dreams were going on behind that door, and the world needed them. When the “ Pilgrim’s Progress” of which John Bun­ yan dreamed had taken shape and tangi­ bility, Bunyan’s Lord, who had never for an instant forgotten him while the slow years passed, swung that gaol door wide open. Let us give God time. Let us trust His wisdom. Sometimes quick answers would be the worst answer: let us learn Adam Slowman’s so needed lesson for our impatient hearts, that “delays are not denials.”— Selected. —o— January 18— "The word o f my lord the king shall now be for rest” (2 Sam. 14: 17). ' ■ Here is the whole secret of rest from the very beginning to the very end. The word of our King is all we have and all we need for deep, utter heart-rest which no surface of this troublesome world can disturb. There is no other means of rest for all the way but the very same. The moment we simply believe any word of

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January 16— “I f God doth so clothe the grass o f the field, which today is, and tomorrozv is cast into the oven, shall he

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