King's Business - 1930-01


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

January 1930

with God; God was his life. To advise the king o f Egypt, and to administer the empire, , was an easy matter for God; and, therefore, easy for one whose whole life was God. So it should be with us. God ha,s given Himself to us in Christ. Christ wants to be, not my external Sav­ iour, but my entire, literal, veritable life. It will be a simple matter, then, for me to stand before a king if that is my duty. No conceivable task, responsibility, or problem of my life can baffle or even ta$ Christ; therefore, it cannot defeat or disturb me, while “ to me to live is Christ.”— Messages for the M o r n i n g Watch. — o— January 28— “ The just shall live by his faith"- (Hab.. 2:4). There is nothing that our Lord says so often as just this. He says it every morning and every night to all who will wait for Him. The just, He says with­ out ceasing, shall live by his faith. What Habakkuk wrote, six hundred years B.C., on the gates, and walls and pillars of Jerusalem—that very same word of God the H oly ' Spirit is writing on the tables that are in the believing hearts of all God’s people still. He shall live—not so much by the fulfillment of all God’s promises, nor by God’s full answers to his prayers and expectations, but he shall live by his firm faith in God, and in the fu­ ture which is all in God’s hands.— A lex­ ander Whyte, D.D. — o — January 29— “Elijah said, Fill four bar­ rels with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice, and -on the wood. . . . Do it the second time. . . . Do it the third time” (1 Kings 18:33, 34). Few of us have faith like this. We are not so sure of God that we dare to pile difficulties in His way. We all try our best to make it easy for Him to help us. Yet what Elijah had, we, too, may have, by prayer and fasting.— F. B. Meyer. — o — January 30— “ Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness” (Isa. 64:5). Try thanksgiving. Paul tried it, and it worked. It works yet. Said the Rev. Henry Frost some years ago: “Nothing so pleases God in connection with our prayer as our praise . . . and nothing so blesses the man who prays as the praise which he offers. I got a great . . . blessing once in China in this con­ nection. I had received bad and sad news from home, and deep shadows had covered my soul. I prayed, but the darkness did not vanish. I summoned myself to en­ dure, bpt the darkness only deepened. Just then I went to an inland station and saw on the wall of the Mission home these words: ‘Try thanksgiving.’ I did, and in a moment every shadow was gone, not to return.” Would you always be praising the Lord? “ Turn constant care into constant prayer,” preceding and ac­ companying and following it with praise. — Selected. — o— January 31— “Neither did their own arm save them, but . . . thine arm” (Psalm 44:3). Every morning brings its duties. In the desert the manna had to be gathered every morning. In the Tabernacle the

trials or through the sins and sorrows of others. But many a time these prayers, although, perhaps, genuine, are not the prayers of faith. Faith j is “ the confi­ dence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to the will of God, He heareth us, and if we know that He hear us whatsoever we ask, we know we have the petitions we desired o f Him.". Faith takes and claims in Jesus’ Name. God has given us the right of asking Him. He does not willingly withhold, but sometimes He is obliged to do so from love, because we “ask amiss.” At other times, the answer may be long in coming, but it only exercises more faith. “It will surely come, thpugh it tarry.” Wait for it. “The just snail live by his faith.” It is all filed above. God has not forgotten to be gracious. — o — January 25—“ Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness : he is gra­ cious" (Psa. 112:4). It is my comfort to know that the dark­ est cloud is fringed with covenant love. I can repose on the blessed assurance that present discipline is needed discipline, and that all which is mystery now, will be cleared up hereafter. May it be mine cheerfully to follow the footsteps of the guiding Shepherd through the darkest, loneliest road; and amidst thickening sor­ rows may I have grace to trust Him fully. In the midst of mysterious provi­ dences I will be still—hushing every mur­ mur, and breathing in lowly resignation, “Thy will be done.”— Dr. J. R. Macduff. —o— January 26— “ They shall mount up with wings as eagles" (Isa. 40:31) . That is, without effort. The renewal of the life within, the. amplitude o f the grace without, and the wide stretch of faith’s wings, suffice for the life of the saint in this world. There need be no feverish resolutions, nor painful striving, nor tiresome toil, il but fling myself out on God, keep trusting, and incline my soul to every breeze of Calvary; and lo, I rise. Not indeed directly, but, like the eagle, in spirals, coming over the place again where I was before, but higher and higher yet, until I see how small the nest is where I had rested and how vast God’s universe around me. Oh, how many saints imprison themselves by their narrow rules of life and their low. thoughts o f God’s grace, seeking vainly to be sanctified by works. No cage can be spacious for an eagle. It is not thus that the saints rise as on eagle’s wings. “They shall run, and not be weary.” The renewed life will be without fatigue, and without cessation. We never tire amid the eternal things. The source and method of the renewed strength are the same in all God’s people. He calls them all to the same high des­ tiny and to the same present realization o f His power. The eagle will return again to earth, the runner will fall ex­ hausted, but the man of God returns not nor pauses in his upward way.— Rev. W. Y. Fullerton. —o— January 27—“And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt" (Genesis 41:46). He stood before Pharaoh at thirty be­ cause he had been standing before God long before he was thirty; He had sim­ ply been living in God; he was saturated

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