King's Business - 1930-01

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$5.00 CASH 7 “Whys” For the World-wide Popu­ larity of The King’s Business: 1st— Because of its unswerving loy ­ alty to the Word of God and its fundamental truths. A missionary in South Africa writes: “ For the past few years in the conflict against Modernism, 1 have depended much on The King’s Business.’’ 2nd— It’s a Home Builder. For Every Ten Yearly Sub­ scriptions Sent Us At the Special Reduced Rate of $1.00 each— (25 cents additional for each foreign subscription.) T HE plan is an easy one to follow— as easy as getting subscriptions them­ selves, for The King’ s Busi­ ness always appeals wher­ ever it’s known and shown! Y OU simply keep $5.00 out of the $10.00 you

In 1930! A Larger, Sprightlier, more Constructively Helpful Bible Magazine for the Christian home than ever— to feature: New Departments— Survey of Current Religious Thought Activities in Missionary Lands Enlarged Sunday School De­ partment— For Bible Class Leaders and Members, Junior Grades, etc. Helpful, Pointed Paragraphs— Christian Endeavor Topics, Bi­ ble Readings, Heart to Heart Talks with Young Readers, etc. Contributions from Writers of National N o t e , authorities in their specialized fields— includ­ ing among others: Rev. Mark A. Matthews, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Seattle. P. W . Philpott, D.D., Pastor, Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles. B. B. Sutcliffe, D.D., Pastor, Calvary Presbyterian Church, Portland, Ore. J. O. Buswell, D.D., President, Whea­ ton College, Wheaton, Illinois. J. A. Huffman, D.D., Dean of Marion Theological Seminary, Marion, In­ diana. Rev. R. H. Glover, M.D., Home Di­ rector, China Inland Mission, Phila­ delphia, Pa.

A reader in the British W est In­ dies writes: “ You have no idea how helpful your magazine is to our home.” 3rd— It appeals to the young folks with its “ Heart to Heart Talks” and its Christian Endeavor Notes. A new York subscriber says: “ The first thing I read is ‘Heart to Heart’— after reading them 1 pass them on to my unsaved young friends. 4th— A definite aid to Missionary workers: “ It is rich in its resources, ortho­ dox in its doctrines, encouraging in its missionary news, simple in its expressions and deep in its meanings.” 5th— It always brings a Feast. This word comes from Nigeria: “ The article and sermons are deep, sound and spiritual. Every issue is a feast to us here.” 6th— It is Refreshing. From a subscriber in New Jersey: “ I want to thank God for this wonderful magazine; it refills and refreshes me every time 1read it.” 7th— Helpful for all the family. A Canadian subscriber says: “ It is the best literature I receive in my home.” And a mother in Colorado says: “ Our home cannot function properly without it.”

get for the 10 subscriptions —you may also keep 50 cents for each additional subscription, mailing t h e balance only to us. F OR every 5 yearly sub­ scriptions you get at the special $1.00 rate, you send us only $3.00! For fewer than 5 subscrip­ tions, pay us $1.00 each, as this special low dollar rate will apply while Anniver­ sary Offer holds good. Renewals of OLD subscrip­ tions as welcome as NEW ones! Entire Offer Expires June 1, 1930. _____ ’ MAI L DON’T COUPON DELAY I TODAY !

Rev. H. D. Campbell, General Secre­ tary, Africa Inland Mission, Brook­ lyn, N. Y. Hope 5 stSo' Los Angeles, Calif.

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