Finance and Accountancy
Advising on general financial policy within the school;
Preparing annual estimates of income and expenditure to include the preparation of departmental budgets within the school, the latter in consultation with the Head and Senior Leadership Team;
Monitoring income and expenditure in relation to budget and presenting regular management reports to the Senior Leadership Team and Board;
Keeping the accounts of the school and preparing financial statements; profit and loss, balance sheets, cash flows and budget variance reports;
Maintaining cash flow projections for the current and future years;
Advising on and negotiating commercial contracts/leases;
Working with the Registrar and Senior Leadership Team to determine pupil numbers and make-up (including special needs);
Preparing pupil fees and collecting all fees and extras, including collection of outstanding debt and enforcing terms and conditions of registration;
Payment of all salaries and wages, including PAYE, Pension and National Insurance Contributions and compliance with regulations for Benefits in Kind;
Administering pension schemes for teaching and non-teaching staff;
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