Pre-Employment Applicants being considered for hire must pass a drug test before beginning work. The offer of employment is contingent on successfully passing Reasonable Suspicion Employees are subject to testing based on (but not limited to) observations by at least two members of management of apparent workplace use, possession, or impairment. Management should contact Human Resources and use the Reasonable Suspicion Observation Checklist to document specific observations and behaviors that create a reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When reasonable suspicion testing is warranted, both management and Human Resources will meet with the employee to explain the observations and the requirement to undergo a drug and/or alcohol Consequences Employees who test positive under reasonable suspicion are subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Depending on the circumstances and the employee’s work history/record, COPC may offer an employee who violates this policy or tests positive the opportunity to return to work on a last-chance basis pursuant to mutually agreeable terms, which could include follow-up drug testing at times and frequencies determined by COPC for a minimum of one year, but not more than two years, as well as a waiver of the right to contest any termination of employment resulting from a subsequent positive test. If the employee either does not complete the rehabilitation program or tests positive after completing the rehabilitation program, the employee will be subject to immediate termination of employment. Employees who, 1) refuse to cooperate in required tests, 2) who use, possess, buy, sell, Confidentiality Information and records relating to positive test results, drug and alcohol dependencies, and legitimate medical explanations provided by a Medical Review Officer (MRO) should be kept confidential to the extent required by law and maintained in secure files separate from normal
4.4.1 Employee Use of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol
4.4.2 Exceptions to Alcohol Rules From time to time, COPC may sponsor social or business-related events at which alcohol is served. This policy does not prohibit the use or consumption of alcohol at such events. However, if employees choose to consume alcohol at such events, they must always do so responsibly and maintain their obligation to conduct themselves properly and professionally. Attendance at all or manufacture illicit drugs and/or alcohol while on the job or on/in Company property, as well as employees who are impaired by legal drugs/ Employees who are under the influence of, and/or who use, possess, purchase, receive, sell, distribute,
substances (including but not limited to prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, alcohol, or marijuana) that result in impairment while working, are in violation of this policy.
the drug test. Refusal to submit to testing or a positive test may result in disqualification of further employment consideration.
test as soon as reasonably possible. Refusal by an employee will be treated as a positive drug test and will result in immediate termination of employment The Reasonable Suspicion Protocol Checklist and other related forms can be found on COPConnect under Manager Guide in the Performance and Behavior section. Under no circumstances will the employee be allowed to drive themself to the testing facility. A member of management must transport the employee or arrange for transportation for the employee to the testing facility. manufacture, or dispense an illegal drug or alcohol or, 3) use legal drugs/substances (including but not limited to prescription medications, over- the-counter medications, alcohol, or marijuana) that results in impairment while working and/or threatens the safety, productivity, public image, or property of the Company or its employees or patients are in violation of this policy and may face termination of employment. Employees will be paid for time spent in alcohol or drug testing and then suspended pending the results of the drug or alcohol test. After the results of the test are received, a date and time will be scheduled to discuss the results of the test; this meeting will include a member of management and Human Resources. Should the results prove to be negative, the employee will receive back pay for the times/days of suspension.
Company social events and/or parties is not required and is completely voluntary. Under no circumstances may alcohol be consumed by or will alcohol be made available to any individual under the age of 21 on the job, on/ in Company premises/property or at Company- related activities.
4.4.3 Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs
COPC does not prohibit employees from using prescription or over-the-counter drugs when used as prescribed, provided: (a) the prescription drugs are prescribed to the employee for medical reasons by a United States-licensed medical practitioner, and are used according to dosage and frequency of use prescribed on the label or accompanying documentation, and (b) the employee’s use of the prescription or over-the-counter drug does not adversely affect the employee’s job performance or conduct; threaten the safety, productivity, public image, or property of COPC or its employees or patients; or result in criminal behavior (e.g., a drug related arrest or conviction, etc.).
It is an employee’s responsibility to learn if a prescription or over-the-counter drug they are taking may adversely affect job performance or conduct; threaten the safety, productivity, public image, or property of COPC or its employees or patients; and/or result in criminal behavior. No employee is to perform any function or duty on behalf of COPC if the drugs being taken under this provision could adversely affect their ability to perform any such function or duty safely and satisfactorily. In such situations, the employee should notify their Direct Supervisor or a member of the Human Resources Department for resolution to the issue.
4.4.4 Medical and Recreational Marijuana
We recognize that employees may engage in the use of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. At no time are employees permitted to work while impaired by the use of marijuana (due to medical or recreational use) or any other drug, substance, or medication which may negatively impact the workplace. The employee must retain valid documentation that is easily accessible and presented to COPC and other appropriate authorities upon request.
Applicants who voluntarily share that they use medical marijuana may be required to provide documented proof of their medical marijuana prescription. Any employee who is impaired at work due to medical marijuana or who tests positive for it after reasonable suspicion testing, may be terminated from employment.
4.4.5 Use that Impacts the Workplace
Employees who use illicit drugs or legal drugs/ substances (including but not limited to prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, alcohol, or marijuana) off-the job in a manner which affects job performance and/or threatens the safety, productivity, public image, 4.4.6 Employees Who Are On-Call Should a situation occur in which an employee is contacted to report for duty and the employee believes that they may be under the influence as defined in this policy, the employee is required to
or property of the Company or its employees or patients may violate this policy. Additionally, employees whose behavior results in a criminal incident, (e.g., DUI, another drug and/or alcohol- related arrest or conviction, etc.) may be in violation of COPC policy.
personnel files. Such records and information may be disclosed among managers and supervisors on a need-to-know basis and may also be disclosed, when relevant, to a grievance, charge, claim, or other legal proceeding initiated by or on behalf of an employee or applicant.
notify their Direct Supervisor of the specific situation in order to determine what may be the best solution for the impaired employee and for the requirements of completing the business needs at hand.
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Questions and concerns can be directed to your immediate supervisor, Human Resources (614) 304-2080 or the Compliance Hotline (866) 539-5813
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