Legacy Report 2023

Report on Grants to Public Television in SFY23 FOR PERIOD: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023

Report on Use of Funds for SFY23 FOR PERIOD: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023

129D.18 GRANTS TO PUBLIC TELEVISION Article 4 Sec. 7 Subd. 4. Reporting. A public station receiving funds appropriated under this section must report annually by January 15 to the commissioner, the Legislative Coordinating Commission, and the chairs and ranking minority members of the Senate and House of Representatives committees and divisions having jurisdiction over arts and cultural heritage policy and finance regarding how the previous year’s grant funds were expended. In addition to all information required of each recipient of money from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund under section 3.303, subdivision 10, the report must contain specific information for each program produced and broadcast, including the cost of production, the number of stations broadcasting the program, estimated viewership, the number of hours of Legacy program content available for streaming on websites, and other related measures. If the programs produced include educational material, the public station must report on these efforts.

3.303 LEGISLATIVE COORDINATING COMMISSION; CREATION AND ORGANIZATION; STAFF; DUTIES. Subd. 10 As soon as practicable or by January 15 of the applicable fiscal year, whichever comes first, a recipient of a direct appropriation from a fund covered under this section shall submit the information required and, when applicable, compile and submit the same information for any grant recipient or other subrecipient of funding: (i) the name of the project and a project description; (ii) the name, telephone number, members of the board or equivalent governing body, and e-mail address of the funding recipient and, when applicable, the Web site address where the public can directly access detailed information on the recipient’s receipt and use of money for the project; (iii) the amount and source of funding, including the fiscal year of the appropriation; (iv) the amount and source of any additional funding or leverage; (v) the duration of the project; (vi) the number of full-time equivalents funded under the project. For the purposes of this item, “full-time equivalent” means a position directly attributed to the receipt of money from one or more of the funds covered under this section, calculated as the total number of hours planned for the position divided by 2,088; (vii) the direct expenses and administration costs of the project… (ix) the entity acting as the fiscal agent or administering agency and a point of contact for additional information.

Hours available for web streaming

# of stations broadcasting program

Educational materials created

Estimated viewership



41,944 online views 22,015 online views

3.303, Subd. 10 Reporting Items

13 x 30-min weekly episodes

Off 90



(507) 481-2095

Recipient phone number

21 x 30-min weekly episodes




See below

Names of board members

3 x 1-hour live streamed episodes, 2 x 30-min live streamed

Recipient email address


Digital Platform & Audience Development

42,104 online views



Web site address


episodes, 27 x 3-8 minute short films

$366,726.77 ACHF Grant Appropriation FY23 $3,188.30 carried over from FY23 to finish FY23 project

Amount, source, and fiscal year of the appropriation

2,049 online views

Music Specials

2 x 30-minute episodes



Amount and source of additional funds


KSMQ 50th Anniversary Historical Documentary

Duration of projects


45 online views

1 x 30-minute episode



Fiscal agent or administering agency

Department of Administration




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