Scott County USD 466 Benefit Information 2024-2025

USD 466 Scott County Schools Renewal Date: 10/1/2024

Primary (Only)

Primary + 1

Primary + Children

Whole Family

COMPLETE PLANS Platinum – 12 month exam, lens and frame benefit. Includes $180 progressive lens allowance. $100 frame or $105 contact lens $15.30 $24.48 $28.24

$48.04 $62.82 $74.00 $45.56 $60.34 $71.52 $40.60 $48.00 $53.56

$160 frame or $160 contact lens $200 frame or $200 contact lens

$20.00 $23.58

$32.00 $37.72

$36.94 $43.52

Gold – 12 month exam, lens and frame benefit. $100 frame or $105 contact lens

$14.50 $19.22 $22.78

$23.22 $30.74 $36.44 $20.68 $24.46 $27.30

$26.78 $35.48 $42.06 $23.88 $28.22 $31.50

$160 frame or $160 contact lens $200 frame or $200 contact lens

Silver – 12 month exam and lens benefit, 24 month frame benefit. $100 frame or $105 contact lens $12.92

$160 frame or $160 contact lens $200 frame or $200 contact lens

$15.28 $17.06

Thank you for your business!


Vision Care Direct is a membership plan, not insurance. Minimum participation requirement for the plans offered above is 2 employees. Contact lens allowance amount is in lieu of glasses. For a complete listing of allowances, exclusions and limitations, please reference the enclosed Allowance Summary. © 2024 Vision Care Direct. All rights reserved.

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