Alex R. Hernandez Jr. Trial Lawyer - November 2018

When you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you might not be sure what to do next. Do you just call the insurance company? Should you call an attorney? There are instances when an accident is minor and easily resolved, such as a parking lot fender bender. But then there are situations when an accident leaves you with questions and uncertainty, and it may even leave you with nothing but aggravation. This is the type of accident that results in injury to you, not to mention damage to your car or other property. You may face legal challenges related to compensation, like when the insurance company doesn’t want to pay you fair damages. You may also face the burden of medical bills due to your injuries, and you may be unable to work for an extended period of time. This is when having a personal injury attorney on your side makes all the difference. You’re stressed and want to move on. You want fair compensation to cover medical costs and time away from work. You may be concerned that the damages offered by the insurance company aren’t enough and don’t match the severity of your injuries and circumstances. An attorney will help you maximize your compensation so that you can take care of your bills and other expenses. If you’re faced with questions and uncertainty, give our office a call. We’re here to make sure you get back on your feet. When Do You Seek Legal Help? After the Accident

There’s a genre of entertainment that many Americans are afraid to admit is their secret obsession. It’s as if you’re hiding a secret that you desperately want to confess, but you’re afraid of the judgment and concerned looks from your friends. Then one day, you muster the courage to casually mention a docu-series you watched — hoping for absolution but concerned the jury won’t understand — and the floodgates open. Suddenly your closest friends and family have passionate opinions on the justice system and can tell you they know exactly who murdered who and how. Deep down inside, everyone loves a good mystery. Here are three of the best. ‘MAKING A MURDERER’ Directors Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos take viewers through an experience that feels like the most maddening game of ping pong ever played — in any given episode, your view may bounce from one polarizing opinion to another. After watching 10 mind-bending episodes of Steven Avery and his attorneys going back and forth during the trial, you’ll have questions that demand answers. So many, in fact, that Netflix has confirmed the production of a second season and a spin-off series titled “Convicting a Murderer.” ‘THE JINX’ Forty years of conflicting reports on three murders make for one compelling HBO series. Robert Durst goes under the spotlight after speaking for the first time about the death of three people connected to him. A web of lies, convolution, and gritty storytelling comes to one bone-chilling conclusion that will make your jaw drop. ‘THE STAIRCASE’ Did Michael Peterson kill his wife? Did the American justice system tear apart the dream it so righteously attempts to protect? What is considered fact in a murder trial? These are just a few of the questions you’ll contemplate as you go on a 16-year journey told over 13 gripping episodes. Questionable expert testimony and crime scene evidence are juxtaposed with a competent defense team and a convincing defendant, making for a story that begs viewers to take sides. In the end, the only fact you’ll know to be true is that you can’t trust your intuition. 3 TRUE CRIME SHOWS YOU HAVE TO SEE Move Over, Sitcoms, There’s a New Trend in Town

Don’t Call Me No Mo’, Don’t Text Me No Mo’ How to End Distracted Driving

After years of accidents stemming from texting and driving, drivers think they’ve found the solution: Just wait till you reach a stoplight, then text. That’s perfectly safe, right? We’ve all found ourselves sitting at a green light while the car in front of us idles perfectly still, the driver unaware of the light change. And beyond that, texting while driving is dangerous — yes, even if you’re stopped. It can be a slippery slope to catastrophic damage for you and other drivers. A text that starts at a stoplight usually prompts a response while navigating traffic, and when that message comes through, the operator often can’t resist doing a quick check. Distracted driving takes over, and from then on, every other motorist’s safety is at the mercy of the texter. There’s a solution to all of this though. Rather than take our eyes off the road, can’t we just use voice-to-text software to text for us? It has to be safer, right?

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