Vision 2024 07 24

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The Clarence-Rockland Public Library’s board of directors is seeking two new individuals to join the board for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term. The Clarence-Rockland Public Library board of directors is the governing body of the library and follows the Ontario Public Libraries Act (PLA). Members are appointed by Clarence-Rockland Council following the application process. The board of directors is responsible for advocating for the library; creating and revising policy required for the operation of the library; developing a strategic plan for the library; hiring and evaluating the chief executive officer; developing and overseeing the library’s budget; attending library hosted events and providing volunteer support. The term for board members coincides with that of Clarence-Rockland’s municipal councillors. There is no cap on how many terms a board member can serve. In the event of an early vacancy, the board works with the City to appoint a new member for the remainder of the term. Meetings are on the third Tuesday of each month except in January, July and August. Meetings are approximately 1.5 hours long and begin at 7 p.m. Board members are also expected to participate in outreach and other events such used book sales, the Summer Clubs Finale and more. Board members must be members of the

Accepting that our teeth won’t last a lifetime is something that’s hard to accept. What can you do when you learn that you have to say goodbye to your teeth? Whether it’s the loss of a few teeth or your entire dentition, in both cases you have to accept the situation, and this loss of function can be very uncomfortable. Where do we go from here? All options point to some type of denture. Depending on the extent of your tooth loss, the situation will seem more or less serious. Most people can live with a full upper denture. On the other hand, many find it difficult to endure a full lower denture. This is where implant treatment comes in. Scared of dentures? No problem. You can opt for implant treatment for your upper dentition, lower dentition or both at the same time. There’s a very practical and popular treatment called «teeth in a day». This helps people who have to cope with tooth loss to get their dental implants in a matter of hours, greatly reducing the difficulties that such loss can cause. Preparations are made beforehand, so the day the teeth are removed, the new teeth are permanently placed too. This helps enormously with pain management, which is dramatically reduced to almost non-existent. Many patients can testify to this. The fear of losing teeth is real, but these revolutionary techniques go a long way towards easing the burden of tooth loss and making the situation less severe than imagined. Nicholas Fournier, DD FAILING TEETH

Le conseil d’administration de la Bibliothèque publique de Clarence-Rockland est à la recherche de deux nouveaux membres pour le reste du mandat 2022-2026. Les personnes intéressées ont jusqu’au 9 août 2024 pour poser leur candidature. (Bibliothèque publique de Clarence-Rockland, Facebook)

Clarence-Rockland Public Library, passionate about the library and the community of Cla- rence-Rockland. They are willing to advocate on behalf of the library and have an open mind, good communication skills, diverse interests and skills and be willing to work as a member committed to community service. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and a resident of the city of Clarence-Rockland. They can not be employed by the City of Clarence-Rockland. le suivi et la célébration de l’excellence environnementale. « Quel bel effort collectif, tous ensemble pour notre environnement », a déclaré Lyne Racine, directrice de l’éducation et de la TUSBUÊHJFEV$4%$&0j+FUJFOTÆGÊMJDJUFS les élèves et les membres du personnel qui, àEÍMFTBVUIÍNFTZTUÊNJRVFEV$4%$&0  partent en mission et continuent d’agir, à l’école et à la maison, pour faire une diffé- rence sur le plan environnemental. Sachez que votre passion, votre créativité et votre résilience sont une source d’inspiration pour UPVUFTMFTDPNNVOBVUÊTEV$4%$&0v Au cours de l’année scolaire 2023-2024, chacune de ces écoles a trouvé des moyens de changer le monde, un geste à la fois. Cin- RVBOUFIVJUQPVSDFOUEFTÊDPMFTEV$4%$&0 sont certifiées depuis cinq ans ou plus et ont fourni 8 507 heures d’apprentissage en plein air. Huit cent cinquante élèves fai- TBJFOUQBSUJFEFT&DP5FBNT FUUPOOFT de CO2e ont été séquestrées grâce aux activités d’écologisation des cours d’école. Les écoles ont détourné 2 542 kilos de déchets des décharges.

This is a voluntary position and therefore, members are not paid for their time. The deadline to apply for the two positions is Aug. 9, 2024.

Those interested in applying for the posi- tion on the library’s board of directors must submit a completed nomination form to the attention of the City of Clarence-Rockland’s registry office, in person at 1560 Laurier Street, Rockland or by email to administra- PLUSIEURS ÉCOLES REÇOIVENT LA CERTIFICATION ECOSCHOOL


Le Conseil scolaire de district catho- lique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO) a récemment annoncé que 28 de ses écoles ont reçu la certification nationale officielle ÉcoÉcole pour l’année scolaire 2023-2024. Six de ces écoles se trouvent dans la ville de Clarence-Rockland. 1BWJMMPOJOUFSNÊEJBJSFFU-&TDBMF M DPMF élémentaire catholique Sainte-Trinité St. Mathieu, l’École élémentaire catholique Du Rosaire, l’École élémentaire catho- lique Sainte-Félicité et l’École élémentaire catholique Sacré-Cœur ont toutes reçu la reconnaissance nationale pour le travail qu’elles ont accompli au cours de la dernière année scolaire. ÉcoÉcoles Canada est un programme de certification pour les écoles de la maternelle à la 12e année qui favorise l’apprentissage de l’environnement et l’action climatique. Le programme de certification est lié au programme d’études et soutient les com- munautés scolaires dans l’évaluation,

L’école primaire Du Rosaire de Saint-Pascal- Baylon est l’une des sept écoles de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland qui ont obtenu la certification nationale ÉcoÉcoles pour l’année scolaire 2023-2024. Récemment, le Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien a annoncé que 28 de ses écoles avaient reçu la certification. (Photo d’archives)



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