Gateway Veteran Winter Edition

Why Choose VA? VA St. Louis Health Care System helps you count the reasons

As the nation’s largest health care system supporting more than 9 million patients, VA focuses on continuous improvement — always looking for ways to improve the quality of care that Veterans receive. To date, 70,000+ area Veterans receive care across the John Cochran and Jefferson Barracks Divisions and eight outpatient health clinic locations. ( louis-health-care/locations/ ) 3500+ healthcare professionals and support staff work at these locations. “VA quality of care is among the best in the nation,” said Candace Ifabiyi, VA St. Louis Health Care System Medical Center Director. “Recent studies have shown that VA health care is as good as, or better than, non-VA care. We encourage all eligible area Veterans to Choose VA and make VA St. Louis Health Care System their choice for all their healthcare needs.” Medicare’s latest nationwide survey of patients appears in agreement with the peer- reviewed studies. Their results show that VA’s hospitals outperformed others on all 10 core-patient satisfaction numbers, including hospital rating, communication with doctors, about medication, and willingness to recommend the hospital. Finally, this year for the first time ever, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services included VA facilities in its annual Overall Star Ratings. VA St. Louis Health Care System earned a 4 out of 5 star rating, a remarkable achievement!


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