




2022 Awards Criteria


2022 Awards & Recognition Rules............................................................................. 4|5

SALES ASSOCIATE AWARDS PROGRAM Masters Producer...................................................................................................................... 6|7 CENTURION ® Producer....................................................................................................... 8|9 CENTURION Honor Society (Individual Producer)........................................... 9 CENTURION Team/Masters Team......................................................................... 10|11 CENTURION Honor Society (Team)............................................................................. 11 Top U.S. Individual & Team Awards............................................................................... 12 President’s Award........................................................................................................................ 13 Preferred Agent Club............................................................................................................... 13 #1 Individual Producer – World....................................................................................... 14 Dick Loughlin international Hall of Fame.................................................................. 14 Mid-Year Awards.......................................................................................................................... 14 Quality Service Award Program....................................................................................... 15 COMPANY/OFFICE AWARDS PROGRAM President’s Award........................................................................................................................ 16 Ambassador Award.................................................................................................................... 16 President’s Hall of Fame......................................................................................................... 16 CENTURION Office................................................................................................................... 17 GOLD MEDALLION ® .................................................................................................................. 17 Top Office & Company Awards – U.S. & World................................................. 18 2100 Club........................................................................................................................................... 18 Art Bartlett 2100 Cup............................................................................................................... 19 Easter Seals Award...................................................................................................................... 19 Per Person Productivity Award.......................................................................................... 19

2022 Awards Criteria


THE INTERNATIONAL AWARDS PROGRAM Below are the international Awards Program eligibility requirements for companies, offices, sales associates and teams which apply to calendar year 2022 performance. It is the sole obligation of each responsible Broker/Owner to understand and comply with all of the rules and guidelines as detailed below. Companies not meeting all requirements will not be eligible for recognition at any level, which includes companies, offices, sales associates and teams. The 2022 Awards Rules may be revised at any time and are subject to change without notice.*

GOOD STANDING In order to be eligible for any 2022 award ranking, designation and award events, all companies/offices must be in full compliance with their applicable franchise agreement. They must also be current on all financial and all other obligations to Century 21 Real Estate LLC. • All offices within a company must be in good standing at year-end close, January 4, 2023, in order for each company, office, producer and team to be eligible for 2022 recognition and rankings • All transactions must be paid within a timely manner as defined by the franchise agreement. If the transaction payment is received after 45 days of the original close date or January 4, 2023, whichever comes first, the transaction will not be eligible towards rankings and designations • Offices must report all transactions through dash. Failure to report all transactions through dash will result in the company, office, producers and teams being suspended from all 2022 recognition • If a company is on suspension for greater than ninety (90) days during the 2022 calendar year the company will not be eligible for year-end award rankings but may (if current at that time) be eligible for year-end award designations and trophies

TRANSACTIONS It is the sole responsibility of each office to

accurately report and pay applicable fees in a timely manner, as outlined by the franchise agreement and the 2022 Awards Rules. Century 21 Real Estate LLC reserves the right to request additional documentation for any transaction to support the reported production. • Transaction updates/corrections must be made within 60 days of the original close date. No changes to a transaction will be made after 60 days from the original close date • Awards credit will not be granted for underpaid transactions. Only transactions that are paid in full or overpaid will be counted towards 2022 awards • An actual close date must be entered into dash for a transaction to be granted awards credit. If a transaction is marked paid without a close date, awards credit will not be granted until the close date is entered into dash • Awards credit is granted in the month in which the transaction actually closed, regardless of the payment date • Awards credit will not be granted for transactions closed in a prior year regardless of when payment is made • All unreported and under reported transactions discovered through an audit procedure are not eligible toward any company, office, sales associate or team awards regardless of payment status

*Please refer to the Awards area on 21Online.com for the most current awards information and eligibility requirements. In the event of any conflict between the 2022 Awards Rules and other criteria in this brochure or posted on 21Online.com, the information on 21Online.com shall govern and control.

2022 Awards Criteria


GENERAL BUSINESS RULES In order to be eligible for 2022 awards and recognition, each company/office must meet the following guidelines: • For designation levels, sales associates and teams will only be awarded one designation based on their highest level of Adjusted Gross Commissions (AGC) or total Award Units • All company, office, sales associate and team designations are awarded on an annual basis and must be earned each year to retain designation status • In order to achieve any cumulative awards designation (i.e. CENTURION ® Honor Society, Ambassador, President’s Hall of Fame, etc.) the company, office, producer or team must achieve the award designations in the current awards year for eligibility • In order to be eligible to receive 2022 awards, the company, office, sales associate or teams must have an active status at the time awards are presented • Owners with greater than 10% ownership in a CENTURY 21 ® Franchise are not eligible to rank in individual producer or team rankings either regionally or nationally

• Other income produces AGC awards credit only. Award units are not earned by Other income • Timeshare transactions produce AGC awards credit only. Award Units are not earned by timeshare transactions • Closed and paid sides that produce $500 or more in commissions are granted one Award Unit • Closed and paid sides that produce $250 – $499.99 in commissions are granted one-half (1/2) an Award Unit • Sales associates will be recognized only in their category (individual or team) at their highest level of production • In order to receive awards credit towards the current month’s awards and rankings, all transactions must be paid by the second (2nd) business day of the following month. Please refer to the schedule for the 2022 awards year on the bottom of this page • In order for a producer to receive awards credit for a given transaction, he/she must have received a commission from the transaction • In the event of a tie, Adjusted Gross Commissions will serve as the tie breaker for unit production- based awards • Top-producing associates who join the CENTURY 21 System during the year are eligible for the producer award by following the procedures as stated in the Policy & Procedure Manual

• The team enrollment period opens on February 1, 2022. It closes on June 30, 2022

• Agent or office prior production may be included in award totals for designation purposes only (not for ranking), provided approvals are achieved within 60 days of office impact or sales associate activation date, or January 4, 2023, whichever comes first. Offices cannot include the production earned by an agent prior to joining their office or company in office or company production totals

• Prior production is not included in any recognition award based on ranking






January 2022...........................................................February 2, 2022 February 2022..............................................................March 2, 2022 March 2022........................................................................April 4, 2022 April 2022.............................................................................May 3, 2022 May 2022.............................................................................June 2, 2022 June 2022..............................................................................July 5, 2022

2022 Awards Criteria July 2022........................................................................August 2, 2022 August 2022......................................................September 2, 2022 September 2022...................................................October 4, 2022 October 2022......................................................November 2, 2022 November 2022................................................December 2, 2022 December 2022......................................................January 4, 2023


THE MASTERS AWARDS PROGRAM The CENTURY 21 ® System is one of the world’s largest real estate sales organization, and is an industry leader due largely to the unparalleled effort of highly dedicated sales associates. The CENTURY 21 Masters Awards Program, an exclusive recognition program for CENTURY 21 Sales Associates, honors these top- producing individuals. Every level of the Masters Awards Program is designed to provide tangible benefits for each qualifying associate.

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Crystal Trophy • Congratulatory Portfolio MID-YEAR AWARDS


This exclusive program will recognize sales associates only. Brokers, owners and managers are not eligible for the Masters Awards Program. • Associates can qualify for the Masters Awards Program based on transactions closed, settled and paid within the calendar year, and reported with royalty fees paid by January 4, 2023 • Top-producing sales associates who join the CENTURY 21 System during the year are eligible for the Masters Awards Program by following the procedures stated in the Policy & Procedure Manual. Prior production is not included towards ranking

• Pacesetter Gold is awarded to producers on track for the Masters Awards Program at six months • Masters Producers with $82,500 AGC or 17 Units MARKETING SERVICES Masters sales associates are supported with marketing materials such as email signatures, logos online, and online press release templates.

You may not advertise as a team on any websites or other marketing materials unless you are a registered team in dash.

TOP AGENT RETREAT Century 21 Real Estate LLC offers an exclusive Top Agent Retreat for all Masters Award winners and above. This invitation-only retreat focuses on the recognition and growth of our top-producing sales associates and is a valuable opportunity to network with other award-winning associates. These specially designed retreats are hosted at upscale hotels and resorts, and include social gatherings and business meetings with guest speakers to enhance top agents’ professional and personal development. For more information about the event visit century21events.com.

2022 Awards Criteria



MASTERS RUBY: AGC: $165,000 - $214,999 Award Units: 34 - 45.9

MASTERS EMERALD: AGC: $215,000 - $264,999 Award Units: 46 - 58.9

MASTERS DIAMOND: AGC: $265,000 - $319,999 Award Units: 59 - 70.9

2022 Awards Criteria


CENTURION ® PRODUCER AWARD The CENTURY 21 ® Awards Program recognizes and rewards the achievements of exceptional CENTURY 21 Sales Associates through a variety of awards and designations. To achieve CENTURION ® status is to earn one of the most prestigious awards presented to a CENTURY 21 Producer, or Team. Only a small number of sales professionals in the CENTURY 21 System ever reach this elevated status.


INDIVIDUAL EXAMPLES • Salesperson reporting only personally generated commission • Salesperson with assistant doing only clerical work • Salesperson receiving commissions for agreeing to temporarily cover an individual on sick or vacation leave with approval by broker SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Congratulatory Portfolio • Special trophy base for DOUBLE CENTURION ® and GRAND CENTURION ® levels MID-YEAR AWARDS Pacesetter Platinum is awarded to producers on track for the CENTURION Award with $160,000 AGC or 35.5 Award Units at six months RULES AND REGULATIONS All rules and regulations as outlined in the CENTURY 21 Policy & Procedure Manual need to be followed in order to qualify for CENTURION status.

Owners and managers are eligible to qualify along with sales associates in two categories: individual and team. The choice that the producing owner, manager or agent makes concerning this business practice determines whether he or she is considered an individual or a team member.


An individual Producer is anyone working independently or with only clerical assistance not related to the solicitation of listings and sales. Clerical assistance includes administrative or secretarial support, such as filing, typing, computer work, mailings, answering phones. Individuals may not report commission income generated by, or with the assistance of, any other person. Owners with greater than 10% ownership in a CENTURY 21 Franchise are not eligible to rank in sales associate or team rankings either regionally or nationally. However, they will be eligible to receive the CENTURION trophy, portfolio and designation

You may not advertise as a team on any websites or other marketing materials unless you are a registered team in dash..

Producer: Owner, manager or sales associate producer

2022 Awards Criteria




AGC: $640,000 - $959,999 Award Units: 142 - 212.9

GRAND CENTURION ® PRODUCER: AGC: $960,000 and above Award Units: 213 and above




THE CENTURION ® HONOR SOCIETY (INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER) The CENTURION Honor Society recognizes those individuals who have achieved CENTURION level for a minimum of 5 of the past 7 years, including the current year, in the CENTURY 21 ® System. CENTURION Honor Society will only be awarded for a minimum of 5 years of CENTURION production in one category, individual or team, it cannot be a combination.


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Customized Honor Society Plaque

Congratulatory Portfolio


Featured in the Awards area on 21Online.com


The CENTURION 21 Individual Producer or Team award recognizes the consistent relentless performance of 21 years achieving the CENTURION Award level in the CENTURY 21 System.


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CENTURION 21 trophy Congratulatory Portfolio

Featured in the Awards area on 21Online.com and Awards & Recognition Workplace Group Page

2022 Awards Criteria



A team consists of anyone assisted by one or more people doing non-clerical, real estate-based job functions. These functions include but are not limited to soliciting or participating in the completion of buyer or seller agreements, negotiating contracts, making cold calls, showing property, or performing any other non-clerical real estate-related tasks.

TEAM EXAMPLES • Two or more individuals licensed and working as sales people, who handle transactions together • A sales person and one or more assistants, who make cold calls, hold open houses, show property to buyers, perform prospecting/ marketing functions, or perform any real estate sales function • A sales person who receives commission credit for transactions he/she did not personally close TEAM OVERVIEW • All members of a team must report through the same office • Team members may not compete as individual producers • All production for each team member will remain with the team for the entire 2022 award year • Production attributed to a team member who leaves the office will remain with the team • All teams receive one award, no individual awards SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Congratulatory Portfolio • Special trophy base for DOUBLE CENTURION ® and GRAND CENTURION ® level MID-YEAR AWARDS Pacesetter Platinum is awarded to teams on track for the CENTURION ® Award with $222,500 AGC or 54 Award Units at six months. Pacesetter Gold is awarded to teams on track for the Masters Team Award with $165,000 AGC or 36 Units at six months.


If a group qualifies as a team (see Rules and Regulations), it is required to register as a team in dash. The team enrollment form is also available in the Awards Forms section under Productivity Hub> Award Forms & Criteria on 21Online.com. The team enrollment period opens February 1, 2022 and closes June 30, 2022. For disputes concerning the business practices of teams, contact your Growth Consultant about the team challenge process RULES AND REGULATIONS All rules and regulations as outlined in the CENTURY 21 ® Policy & Procedure Manual need to be followed in order to qualify for CENTURION team status. Team: Anyone assisted by one or more people doing non-clerical real estate functions. These functions include but are not limited to soliciting or participating in the completion of buyer or seller agreements, negotiating contracts, making cold calls, showing property, or performing any other nonclerical real estate-related tasks. • A team will be recognized only in its category at its highest level of production. Awards and recognition will be presented only to teams in companies in good standing at year-end close, January 4, 2023 • CENTURION team members will be eligible to attend the CENTURY 21 Top Agent Retreat if the individual production is greater than or equal to $165,000 AGC or 34 Award Units and is not a broker, owner or manager • You may not advertise as a team on any websites or other marketing materials unless you are a registered team in dash

2022 Awards Criteria


THE MASTERS & CENTURION PRODUCTION CRITERIA FOR TEAMS MASTERS TEAM: AGC: $330,000 - $444,999 Award Units: 72 - 107.9 CENTURION ® TEAM: AGC: $445,000 - $889,999 Award Units: 108- 215.9


DOUBLE CENTURION ® TEAM: AGC: $890,000 - $1,334,999 Award Units: 216 - 323.9 GRAND CENTURION ® TEAM: AGC: $1,335,000 and above Award Units: 324 and above




THE CENTURION HONOR SOCIETY (TEAM) The CENTURION ® Honor Society recognizes those teams who have achieved CENTURION level for a minimum of 5 of the past 7 years, including the current year, in the CENTURY 21 ® System. Team members will be eligible for this designation based on their team production. CENTURION Honor Society will only be awarded for a minimum of 5 years of CENTURION production in one category, individual or team, it cannot be a combination. SYSTEM RECOGNITION (AWARDED ONE TIME ONLY)


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Customized Honor Society Plaque

Congratulator portfolio

CENTURION ® 21 The CENTURION 21 Individual Producer or Team award recognizes the consistent relentless performance of 21 years achieving the CENTURION Award level in the CENTURY 21 System.

MASTERS TEAM The minimum criteria is $330,000 AGC or 72 Award Units.

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Crystal Masters Trophy • Congratulatory Portfolio


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CENTURION 21 trophy Congratulatory Portfolio

Featured in the Awards area on 21Online.com and Awards & Recognition Workplace Group Page

2022 Awards Criteria

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#1 PRODUCER AND #1 TEAM IN EACH STATE All #1 Ranked Producers and Teams by AGC and Units for each state will be recognized for their achievements.

#1 INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER AND #1 TEAM IN THE U.S. This award is presented to the top CENTURY 21 ® producing individual and team by Adjusted Gross Commission and Award Units.


SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Elegant custom trophy

• Elegant custom-designed trophy • Recognition on 21Online.com

• One21 ® Experience package, including hotel suite at event hotel for the nights of the event, round-trip ground transportation from airport to event hotel

TOP 5 TEAMS IN THE U.S. All CENTURY 21 teams who finish the year as a Top 5 �Relentless 5” Team and a Top 5 �Obsessed 6” Team (measured by their results for production by Adjusted Gross Commissions and Award Units) are recognized for their achievements. STATE RANKINGS In 2019, State Rankings replaced Region Rankings. This now allows you to market your company, office, producers, and teams in the state in which you are located. State rankings are more meaningful to the consumer and can be used in all marketing/social media efforts. Companies will rank in the state in which the main office is located, and we will no longer use the legacy regions in our rankings. TEAM TIERS To be more supportive of the increasing use of Agent Team, Teams will be ranked based on team size (National Rankings only) as reported in dash. Teams with 2–5 members will be in one category known as �Relentless 5” and teams with 6+ members will be in a separate category known as �Obsessed 6.” We recognize that teams are an increasingly important part of the future of real estate, and we want to support the growth of teams by ranking teams of similar size against one another.

TOP 10 INDIVIDUAL PRODUCERS IN THE U.S. All CENTURY 21 individual producers who finish the year as top 10 national performers (measured by their results for production by Adjusted Gross Commissions and Award Units) are recognized for their achievements.

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Custom-designed trophy

• One21 Experience package, including hotel accommodations at event hotel for the nights of the event, round-trip ground transportation from airport to event hotel • Recognition on 21Online.com




2022 Awards Criteria

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PRESIDENT’S AWARD In recognition of the importance of quality service to the profitability and success of a sales associate, the CENTURY 21 ® System presents the prestigious President’s Award to producers and teams achieving both CENTURION ® level production and the Quality Service Pinnacle Award in the same year. SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Exclusive President’s trophy • Congratulatory Portfolio • Exclusive marketing materials available for download on CENTURY 21 Brand Studio SM • Customized President’s Award winner banner appearing on century21.com over the Office, Producer or Team picture, on both search and profile pages • Century 21 Real Estate will automatically send out Press Releases for all President’s winners • President’s Award logo added to ToolkitCMA TM to showcase on listing flyer CENTURY 21 PREFERRED AGENT CLUB The CENTURY 21 Preferred Agent Club is a recognition program designed to acknowledge and reward our leading sales associates for their achievements within the CENTURY 21 System. The eligibility requirements for this exclusive club are as follows: • Top 3 ranked Producers in the state by AGC in the 2022 awards year • Top 3 ranked Producers in the state by Award Units in the 2022 awards year • Top 3 ranked Teams in the state by AGC in the 2022 awards year • Top 3 ranked Teams in the state by Award Units in the 2022 awards year Enrollment into this exclusive club is for one year. As a member of the CENTURY 21 Preferred Agent Club, you will receive a gift - compliments of Century 21 Real Estate!

GLOBAL 21 RANKINGS (PRODUCER & TEAM) The top 21 ranked individual producers and teams from around the world will be ranked by AGC only on a quarterly basis.


Recognition on 21Online.com updated quarterly Recognition at the end of the year on Workplace- Awards & Recognition page

Custom designed trophy

2022 Awards Criteria

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#1 PRODUCER IN THE WORLD The globe on this trophy symbolizes the global scope of achievement within the CENTURY 21 ® System by AGC or Units.

DICK LOUGHLIN INTERNATIONAL HALL OF FAME This award is presented to the most elite members of the CENTURY 21 sales force. These associates are selected because of their dedication and commitment to the CENTURY 21 System, consistent high levels of production over a period of years, and extensive community involvement. Eligibility is based on a nomination process by your Growth Consultant and selection by a corporate review panel. SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Induction into the Dick Loughlin Hall of Fame at the One21 Experience • Elegant crystal trophy • Dick Loughlin international Hall of Fame Medallion

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Elite globe trophy • Recognition at One21 ® Experience

2022 Awards Criteria


The Quality Service Program is a core initiative of the CENTURY 21 ® System. The program provides feedback to System members to enhance their quality service pledge to their customers.

The 2022 Quality Service Awards Criteria are: QUALITY SERVICE PRODUCER • 80% minimum required percentage of all transactions successfully sent a survey • 50% minimum survey return rate (measured between January 1, 2022 and January 4, 2023) • 90% Overall Awards score, weighted 40% Performance, 40% Satisfaction, 20% Recommendation, measured between January 1, 2022 and January 4, 2023 • Minimum of 8 returned surveys is required QUALITY SERVICE TEAM • 80% minimum required percentage of all transactions successfully sent a survey • 50% minimum survey return rate (measured between January 1, 2022 and January 4, 2023) • 90% Overall Awards score, weighted 40% Performance, 40% Satisfaction, 20% Recommendation, measured between January 1, 2022 and January 4, 2023 • Minimum of 12 returned surveys is required QUALITY SERVICE OFFICE • 80% minimum required percentage of all transactions successfully sent a survey • 50% minimum survey return rate (measured between January 1, 2022 and January 4, 2023) • 90% Overall Awards score, weighted 40% Performance, 40% Satisfaction, 20% Recommendation, measured between January 1, 2022 and January 4, 2023 • Minimum of 30 returned surveys is required

QUALITY SERVICE PINNACLE OFFICE In addition to the Quality Service Office Award criteria:

• 95% minimum Overall Awards score for two consecutive years (measured

annually-January 1, 2021 to January 4, 2022 and January 1, 2022 to January 4, 2023) • Minimum 50% survey return rate (measured between January 1, 2022 and January 4, 2023) • Must have achieved a Quality Service award or a Quality Service Pinnacle award in 2021 for eligibility for the Quality Service Pinnacle award in 2022 QUALITY SERVICE PINNACLE PRODUCER & TEAM In addition to the Quality Service Producer/Team Award criteria: • 95% minimum Overall Awards score for two consecutive years (measured annually-January 1, 2021 to January 4, 2022 and January 1, 2022 to January 4, 2023) • Must have achieved a Quality Service Award or a Quality Service Pinnacle Award in 2021 for eligibility for the Quality Service Pinnacle Award in 2022





2022 Awards Criteria

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PRESIDENT’S AWARD In recognition of the importance of quality service to the profitability and success of an office, the CENTURY 21 ® System presents the prestigious President’s Award to offices achieving both CENTURION ® level production and the Quality Service Pinnacle Award in the same year.

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Exclusive President’s trophy • Congratulatory Portfolio

AMBASSADOR AWARD (AWARDED ONE TIME ONLY) To recognize success in delivering exceptional quality service while maintaining superior production, the Ambassador Award honors those offices who have achieved the highly soughtafter President’s Award 5 times in the past 7 years, including the current awards year. Presented one time only, the award exemplifies an office’s repeated commitment to its customers and the CENTURY 21 System. PRESIDENT’S HALL OF FAME (AWARDED ONE TIME ONLY) One of the most elite honors awarded to offices in the CENTURY 21 System, the President’s Hall of Fame Award recognizes those offices who achieve the President’s Award for 10 out of 12 years, including the current awards year. This one-time-only award reflects those offices who, year after year, deliver outstanding quality service along with CENTURION level production.

• Exclusive marketing materials available for download in CENTURY 21 Brand Studio SM • Customized President’s Award winner banner appearing on century21.com over the Office, on both search and profile pages • Century 21 Real Estate will automatically send out Press Releases for all President’s winners • President’s Award logo added to ToolkitCMA TM to showcase on listing flyer

2022 Awards Criteria

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CENTURION PRODUCTION CRITERIA FOR OFFICES CENTURION ® OFFICE: AGC: $2,830,000 - $5,659,999 Award Units: 490 - 979.9

DOUBLE CENTURION ® OFFICE: AGC: $5,660,000 - $8,489,999 Award Units: 980 - 1,469.9 GRAND CENTURION ® OFFICE: AGC: $8,490,000 and above Award Units: 1,470 and above





MID-YEAR AWARDS • The Pacesetter Platinum is awarded to offices on track for the CENTURION Award with $1,415,000 AGC or 245 Award Units at six months

GOLD MEDALLION AWARD The GOLD MEDALLION ® Award recognizes CENTURY 21 ® Offices that achieve a minimum $1,925,000 AGC or 335 Award Units within a calendar year.

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Customized trophy • Congratulatory Portfolio

MID-YEAR AWARDS • The Pacesetter Gold is awarded to offices on track for the GOLD MEDALLION Award at six months with $962,500 AGC or 167.5 Award Units

2022 Awards Criteria

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#1 OFFICE AND #1 COMPANY IN THE U.S. The top-producing CENTURY 21 ® Office and company by Adjusted Gross Commissions and Award Units are recognized at the One21 ® Experience.

TOP 10 OFFICES AND COMPANIES IN THE U.S. Companies and offices that finish the year in the Top 10 by Adjusted Gross Commissions or Award Units are recognized at the One21 Experience.

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Custom-designed trophy

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Elegant custom-designed trophy

• One21 package including hotel suite at the event hotel, round trip ground transportation from airport to event hotel

• A VIP One21 Experience package including hotel suite at the event hotel for the nights of the event, round trip ground transportation from airport to event hotel • Recognition on 21Online.com #1 COMPANY AND #1 OFFICE IN EACH STATE All #1 Ranked Companies and Offices by AGC and Units for each state will be recognized for their achievements.

• Recognition on 21Online.com #1 OFFICE AND COMPANY IN THE WORLD

This is the ultimate team achievement. The globe is presented to the top producing CENTURY 21 Office by AGC or Units, symbolizing the global scope of achievement in the CENTURY 21 System.


SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Elite globe trophy • Recognition at One21 Experience 2100 CLUB

• Elegant custom-designed trophy • Recognition on 21Online.com

GLOBAL 21 RANKINGS (COMPANY & OFFICE) The top 21 ranked companies and offices from

Those elite CENTURY 21 companies that earn a minimum of $6,600,000 in Adjusted Gross Commission in 2022 are invited to be members of the 2023 2100 Club. These top companies are invited to a conference in the summer.

around the world will be ranked by AGC only on a quarterly basis.


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Recognition on 21Online.com updated quarterly Recognition at the end of the year on Workplace- Awards & Recognition page

Custom designed trophy

2022 Awards Criteria

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EASTER SEALS AWARD This program is designed to recognize the top 3 companies in each state that have donated funds to Easter Seals ® *. Winners will be determined by contributions made to Easter Seals in the 2022 calendar year.

This annual award is presented to the company that best emulates the CENTURY 21 ® System. The 2100 Cup is not solely based upon production. It is awarded to the one company in the entire System that meets the following criteria: • Has a positive attitude and whose management team and associates are a reflection of this attitude • Displays proven leadership within their community and within the CENTURY 21 System • Believes in the CENTURY 21 System and all it represents • Continues to evolve and change, and is not afraid of new ideas and different ways of doing business • Embraces and successfully implements our tools and systems • Recognition on Workplace

SYSTEM RECOGNITION • Engraved Crystal Trophy • Customized Press Release

*Minimum $1,500 donation must be achieved in order to qualify for state award

*Minimum $1,000 donation must be achieved in order to use designation on business card PER PERSON PRODUCTIVITY AWARD This emblematic award is bestowed upon only those companies who fully embrace strategic planning with a keen focus on achieving measurable success through consistent, individual production. Based on Per Person Productivity (PPP), the company’s sales associates must meet a monthly average criteria of at least one and a quarter (1.25) award units. The company must also have an annual minimum average of five (5) agents per month. In order to qualify for this impressive award, the company must be opened and operating as a CENTURY 21 Franchise for the full calendar year.

2022 Awards Criteria

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© 2022 Century 21 Real Estate LLC. All rights reserved. CENTURY 21 ® , the CENTURY 21 Logo and C21 ® are registered service marks owned by Century 21 Real Estate LLC. Century 21 Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each office is independently owned and operated.

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