207 - TZL - Burke Pemberton

with them. And so I would be curious to know what is Stok doing to ensure the preservation of that human capital and knowledge so that it doesn't go away or dissipate?

Burke Pemberton [41:31] I'm glad you asked. That's a pretty high priority for us right now. We've sort of been in this rapid growth phase for a while and if you aren't paying attention, you can develop a lot of inefficiencies where everybody's got their own way of doing something and then somebody leaves and nobody understands how they're managing their projects or the subject matter expertise related to that. Have you ever had Chris Parsons on this show from KA Connect?

Randy Wilburn [42:01] I know Chris Parsons very well.

Burke Pemberton [42:03] That guy is my hero.

Randy Wilburn [42:05] Yeah, he's one of my heroes. Chris, if you're listening you got to come on this podcast and I know that you have an open invitation. I know he's working on something with KA connect that's really important to him. And he's the kind of guy that does deep work. He's like the design industry's version of Cal Newport. So he's hyper-focused on what he's hyper-focused on and I can't wait to see what he's got cooking in the lab and when he comes out with it, but no, I know exactly who you're talking about.

Burke Pemberton [42:35] So Chris Parsons, KA Connect knowledge architecture inspired a lot of our data-driven knowledge management approaches. I saw him speak at a conference and it was like 2016, maybe and I was just like, wow, he's got this periodic table of knowledge management, if you haven't seen it I’ll send it to you.

Randy Wilburn [42:54] Oh, I've seen it. It's impressive.

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