207 - TZL - Burke Pemberton

Burke Pemberton [52:44] Send me an email, burke@stok.com.

Randy Wilburn [52:50] And I'll make sure that we put all of Burke's contact information, website address, and some of those things that I shared with you guys from this particular episode, including that really fascinating article on Biomimicry. It's worth your time. Just read it, and certainly, if you have any questions, reach out and ask those questions, because these guys are doing some really great things and I'm glad that we had them on the podcast to share. And so I appreciate Burke you doing that? It's taken a while for us to bring this all together. [BP - It's my fault]. No, no, no, no, totally fine. I must say it was well worth the wait so thank you very much.

Burke Pemberton [53:36] Thank you, Randy. I love what you're doing here and it would be a pleasure to come back anytime. Thanks for the invitation.

Randy Wilburn [53:43] For sure. And when I come up to Denver, I'm going to come to see you.

Burke Pemberton [53:47] Please do. We're right across from the train station.

Randy Wilburn [53:51] I know exactly where you are. There's a nice little Italian restaurant that's right there across from you which is pretty good. Well, Burke Pemberton, CFO of Stok, is based in San Francisco, but technically they have offices in Denver and in San Diego. We really appreciate you coming on the podcast. Thank you so much. [BP - Thanks, Randy]. Absolutely. Well, folks, that's another episode of The Zweig Letter Podcast to learn more about one of the oldest newsletters in the design industry, visit zweiggroup.com You can read articles online, listen to this podcast and sign up for a free subscription to the newsletter and have it delivered right into your email inbox every Monday morning. Sign up today. For more info about Zweig Group's Advisory services or any of Zweig Group's publications, visit zweiggroup.com. You can also subscribe to the Zweig Letter Podcast wherever you listen to it and please consider rating and reviewing us on Apple podcast. I'm your host, Randy Wilburn, and we'll see you soon. Peace.

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