207 - TZL - Burke Pemberton

But, maybe there's not enough data yet to answer that inexplicably but that's what we believe at the moment.

Randy Wilburn [2:37] Well, let's roll with that. I certainly would have no problem taking that explanation. For our audience why don't you just give kind of an overarching view of the marketplace that you serve within the design industry?

Burke Pemberton [2:54] So, we were founded in San Francisco in 2008 as a sustainability consultancy, and we've grown to be an interdisciplinary team of experts in the built environment. We work with real estate owners and occupiers to ensure that they're investing wisely in their built environment, and we provide sustainability consulting, energy and performance engineering, real estate, and workplace solutions. And we work across sectors to balance financial performance with environmental and social goals, ideally resulting in high-performance buildings and exceptional human environments. A lot of our clients are like corporate occupier types, but we also do a lot of development work or even AC-driven and lead work. Randy Wilburn [3:41] You guys have worked with Salesforce, Uber, and Google so you've worked with all the big names and I'm sure you've worked with a lot of smaller firms as well that can appreciate the breadth of experience that you bring to a particular project. How have things changed for you guys from ’08 to 2022? That's 14 years. I don't want to short-change you any time that you guys have been in existence. That's 14 years of making it through the worst financial meltdown that we've ever experienced and actually, you guys were birthed during that financial meltdown and now a pandemic. So you guys have made it through? You guys are survivors. Burke Pemberton [4:24] A little bit opportunistic, but a little bit of strategy in there as well. We grew up with LEED for sure. LEED Gold was a code requirement in the Bay Area when we got our start. I don't think you can say enough about how much those regulatory drivers have driven our industry. And LEED was very smart with how they sort of ramped up and kept moving the bar up and up so that a market could develop for all the materials and supplies that were needed to meet that level of certification. And so we started off doing a lot of LEED certifications and grew to be the ancillary services that come along with that, from an engineering standpoint, you have commissioning, you have energy modeling, so we had to grow our energy engineering practice. And a lot

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