investor meetups in the nation (currently pushing almost 9,000 members). But, according to Brooks, they’re just getting started at Bridge Turnkey Investments. “We are building an incredible team and we have big dreams, not just for ourselves and our team, but for our clients and our community as well. So many people dream about real estate and we get to DO it, and impact lives while doing it,” he said. “It’s what makes this work so exciting and is what has kept me passionate about real estate for so long.” The version of the company today isn’t exactly how it started. “Bridge Turnkey Investments started out with the aspiration of my business partner, David, and me buying and holding investment properties for ourselves,” Brooks explained. “We’ve had many versions of our company since that initial launch, but over the years we dialed it in, to a company that buys, renovates, and leases rentals for investors. It took lots of learning (the book Traction has been a massive resource for our company), hiring a busi- ness coach to help us implement Traction, and commit- ting to focus on what we’re best at to reach the success we have today. And, even then, we still have tough months and lots to learn. Real estate is exciting that way. There’s always something new.” Brooks attributes his company’s success in large part to the focus and accountability their business coach brought to their team. “Once we made a decision of what we were going to do and not do, we got a lot better at understanding who we were as a company and then attracting people who wanted to be here and brought skills we didn’t have. When we focus on the things that matter to us, we attract the people that resonate with that focus, and we get to build something really incredible for ourselves, our team, our clients, and our community.” MORE THANABUSINESS Like any company, to stay in business, you have to make money. But, Brooks was quick to point out, it’s about so much more than that for him and his team. “We talk to clients every day who have huge dreams for themselves and their families. Those dreams are not unlike the dreams my business partner and I have, or the dreams our team members have for their own families. We all want to create passive income to give ourselves more time with our family, more freedom in our sched- ules, and more opportunities for the future. We want to build generational wealth. We want to leave behind a leg-
acy. There are few investment vehicles that achieve these goals for people in the way real estate does. And that’s what we get to work on every day at Bridge.” In addition, he points toward the power of real estate to help investors give generously—whether that be through the wealth they gain through real estate, or in giving back to the community through the homes they provide to the cities they invest in. “I’ve always had big philanthropic goals, and I believe real estate is going to be the conduit to achieving those goals.
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