National Theatre - Director of Estates

Building Management • Lead the development of the Building Development and Maintenance Strategy, to develop a long-term building management plan that identifies key building projects and expenditure over a 20-year period. • Procurement - Oversee the procurement of contracts and services. Ensure value for money, innovation and environmental sustainability is at the heart of key decisions. • Regulatory compliance including planning and licensing - Ensure appropriate policies and procedures are in place and regularly reviewed to provide statutory and regulatory compliance, recognising we are in a conservation area with a Grade II* listed building and home to a vast array of activities. • Maintenance - Oversee the delivery of long-term, planned preventative and reactive maintenance projects, with accountability for delivering high quality outcomes within agreed timescales and budgets. • Major Projects – Oversee the planning, budgeting and statutory requirements for any major projects required at the NT. Ensure that there is a transparent process for tendering and that due diligence is carried out on contractors before final appointment. Oversee the delivery of all major projects with accountability for delivering high quality outcomes within agreed timescales and budgets. • Operational Plan - Ensure that long term maintenance is integrated and compliments the wider building development strategy. • Satellite buildings – Oversee management and maintenance of The Studio and the Costume and Props Hire stores as part of the overall maintenance and operational plan ensuring these buildings are as well cared for as the South Bank. • Planning – Ensure that any Planning Approvals are sought and approved in sufficient time and that all internal stakeholders are aware of planning requirements. Safety • Safety Provision Management – Support the Safety team to (1) create a strategic, proactive and comprehensive approach to the management of risk and compliance in terms of the legislative framework and best practise and (2) promote and embed an effective and positive health and safety culture and provide a safe environment for all staff, freelancers and visitors. • Leadership - Ensure the National Theatre safety measures follow best practise and the most up to date strategies and support the sharing of our experience and learnings with the sector as appropriate. Security • Security Provision Management - Ensure Security Services are fit for purpose, proactively managed and deployed according to a robust risk assessment framework. Support the Head of Security in fostering strong links with police, local security forums, agencies and neighbours improving intelligence and co-operation to support crime prevention. Support Protect Duty and ensure the NT complies with it.

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