Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201703

same old ruts we have created. There is a very real tendency in all of us to keep doing what we’ve been doing and therefore we keep getting what we’ve been getting. That’s wonderful when we are enjoying what is happening in our lives. It is tragic if we are not happy with what we’ve been getting from life. So what can we do? We must motivate ourselves. The concept that someone else can motivate us is a great fallacy. Any change that must happen, must happen inside us. That change must be initiated by ourselves. We must choose to take action rather than wait to be acted upon! Only when we realise that will we be able to make the changes in our lives that will bring us the joy and satisfaction of accomplishment and achievement. Change is always challenging and often difficult and scary. But it is almost always necessary in order to reach our goals and make our dreams come true. And when we pass through change, we will look back to find that we have grown and that we have been rewarded for our efforts. Maybe we achieved the career move we were trying for. Maybe we replaced our old junker with a new car. Maybe we were extra patient and loving with our spouse. Maybe we paid off a child’s college tuition. Or maybe not. But always we emerge from change with a stronger sense of who we are and what we can accomplish, and we feel more prepared to try again. What’s exciting is that we do not have to wait for some monumental occasion to take the first step. We can choose to begin changing ourselves and the course of our lives at this very moment! Those who have embraced change and taken action have seen tremendous results this past year. 2016 was an explosive year—and the best is yet to come. We’re entering a new year with the most lucrative compensation plan we’ve ever had, with the best people, the best products, and with incredible momentum! But what we do with it is up to each one of us.

As we set goals and make resolutions for this year, it is my hope that all of us will take time out to evaluate who we are on the inside and how our lives are going. We can’t change anyone else. We can change ourselves. If we don’t like what we are doing or if we recognise areas that we need to improve, we can make the commitment to ourselves or even to our loved ones to change. It may be difficult. We may never be perfect at it. But imagine… we have been given a life—our own—with which we can do anything we want. And therein lies our true power! Therefore, if we begin today, if we continue to try, we will get better at it. And that will be a change.





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