Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201703

Reasons to Love EcoSense ® Cleaners

For decades, Melaleuca has been the undisputed leader when it comes to concentrated home cleaning products. And now we’re leaving the competition even further behind. Introducing super- concentrated 12x cleaners from EcoSense !

For years, Melaleuca has been the only company offering 6x concentrated cleaners. So when our team of R&D scientists said they thought they could do even better, we were intrigued. After all, how much more concentrated could cleaners become and still maintain the same levels of safety and effectiveness that EcoSense is known for? How far could they push it? 8x? 10x? How about doubling the concentration to an incredible 12x? This new advancement truly puts EcoSense cleaners in a class by themselves.

Why concentration matters : Concentration provides benefits to you and the environment.

BENEFITS FOR YOU: • Better value and greater savings

BENEFITS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: • Less plastic waste in packaging • Reuse spray bottles to eliminate waste • Less fuel to ship • Lower overall impact

• “Bulk” shopping without bulky packaging • You can control mix strength to match your task or preference


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