Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201703

The joy of oil New scents just in time for Autumn

The right scent can trigger a flood of memories, influence your mood, and even create a focused work environment. No wonder essential oils are so popular and used by so many people for everything from relaxation to a natural energiser. And now you’ve got four new ways to experience the joy of PURE ™ Essential Oils . Brighten — Joy Blend

Myrrh Dating back to 600 B.C., Myrrh was used widely in incense, perfumes, and for its ability to cleanse. It has a warm, pleasant aroma that can induce feelings of calmness and balance.

A cheerful and exhilarating blend of orange, gurjun, bergamot, cedarwood, jasmine, mandarin, and ylang-ylang that helps stimulate a sense of carefree bliss and happiness.

AROMATIC NOTES Sweet, floral, citrus

AROMATIC NOTES Dry, creamy, resinous

Bergamot The Bergamot fruit is harvested in Italy and is so sour it is inedible, but the oil extracted from its aromatic skin has a spicy, citrus fragrance that will enliven your senses.

Orange Well-known for its cleansing and purifying properties, Orange Essential Oil has a fresh, clean, citrus fragrance that is sure to evoke feelings of energy and happiness.

AROMATIC NOTES Fresh, spicy, floral, citrus

AROMATIC NOTES Sweet, sugary, and citrus

• On average, orders with PURE Essential Oils are more than 8 Product Points higher than non-oil orders

• PURE saves Melaleuca customers over $1 million each month*



* Compared to the competitors’ prices.


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