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Panel Discussions
(Interesting questions sent in by radio listeners)
A. Micah 5:2 indicates that the Mes siah of Israel would be bom in Bethle hem and in Luke 2:11 we read — “For unto you is bom this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord" — reading back we see that verse 4 mentions Bethlehem as the point where they stopped for the night. So from the angle of His birth, Bethlehem is the city of David. But more often in the Old Testament, the City of David is the city of His rule which is Zion. Turn to II Samuel 5:7 — “Nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion: the same is the city of David.” It will be of interest to our readers to know that Bethlehem, in its entirety, is in the Jordanian side of the Holy Land, and Mount Zion is in the hands of the Israeli Government. Q . What is the status of these two cities as to progress? A. Bethlehem, with its sacred associa tions, is but little more than a village, and moves along at a quiet pace. But Mount Zion overlooks the new city where the beautiful King David Hotel stands out, and is visible from the air. Also, the tower of the YMCA looms high and the building is accounted to be the most beautiful YMCA building in the world. Zion on the western side of the Jordan is revealing a tremendous amount of expansion!
Q . Yucaipa, California — “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee” — Psalm 91:7. A. To our Yucaipa listener, may we say that we believe she should take this verse as one of the general prom ises of God and claim it for her son, as he is sent into battle. However, we must always keep in mind the sovereignty of God and how He works in His permissive decrees for our good and His glory. Now some times these decrees may eliminate the promise here, and there are those who fall at the hand of the enemy. We think of John and Betty Stam, of sainted memory, who fell into the hands of Chinese bandits. And then there is the long procession of Christian martyrs. But we would say to a mother who is sending her son to the battlefield that she has a right to claim this prom ise and live therein, not forgetting the sovereignty of God. Q . Richmond, British Columbia, Canada — “What should be my answer when someone asks how I know I am saved?” A. This is not some great emotional feeling that we must possess at the time we come to accept the Lord as our Saviour. We read in Romans 8:16, “The Spirit beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” There is a conviction that the Holy Spirit gives to us that we are the children of God, that we are saved. But in the final analysis, it is based entirely upon the promises of God and they stand absolutely sure!
Q . Eugene, Oregon — “While I realize that we have no accurate picture of the Lord Jesus Christ, would the fact that He was a Nazarite form the basis for so many non-Christians picturing Him with long hair and beard?” Q. Kingsburg, California — “Is Bethlehem A. While we do not know exactly how or Zion the City of David?” (Continued on next page) 15
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