Biola Broadcaster - 1962-10

away by a low-necked, short-skirted, rose-scented, diamond-adorned ‘hussy’ named ‘something-for-nothing!” An em­ ployer in a home was entering the kitchen when, unnoticed by his cook, he heard her say, “Oh, if only I had ten dollars, then wouldn’t I be happy! I could get things I really need. If only I could have just ten dollars.” Well, the employer, feeling sorry for her, came in to the kitchen, greeted her for the morning, and then handed her a $10 bill. When he left, he stood in the shadows a moment to see what she would say. Her inconsiderate words were, “Why didn’t I ask for $25?” May our hearts rejoice in the knowl­ edge, may we indeed, “Look up and know that our redemption draweth nigh,” and may we be found “Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” THERE IS A WISE SAYING that runs, “Blessed is the man who is willing to serve on the committee of which he wanted to be chairman .” A famed orchestra leader was asked — “What is the most difficult instrument to play?” W ith deep un­ derstanding he said at once, “The second fid d le” He was right for there are numerous folk who are willing to play first violin, taking the seat of prominence. The difficul­ ty today is to find those who are willing to take a lesser position. It is human nature, of course, to want to be first, but it is Christlike to gladly be least among the artists. Too many of us may share the at­ titude of mind of the preacher who said, “/ have a wonderful sermon on “H um ility” but 1 am waiting for a large enough congregation to preach it.” Paul gave each one of us a truth by which we may get accurate re­ sults if we have sufficient Christian courage to take our measurements: “In lowliness of mind let each es­ teem the other better than himself.”

Signs of the Times (continued) “Adults are responsible for writing and producing programs of violence on tel­ evision, for furnishing automobiles to unchaperoned young people, for writ­ ing, producing and selling all types of lewd and obscene publications available on news stands. We live in a society which has been willing to substitute indulgence for discipline, pleasure for duty and money for morals. Then Judge Sturm goes on to say that broken homes constitute the nation’s most disturbing social problem, “I place the broken home ahead of juvenile de­ linquency as a social evil. The reason for it is because delinquency generally follows in the wake of a broken home.” My friend, the foundation stone of our nation is the hearthstone, “But if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do?” A teacher reported that she was in­ terviewing pupils on one of the first days of school. She asked one little boy, “What’s your father’s name.” He re­ sponded brightly, “Which one do you mean? I’ve had three.” Yes, perilous times in which children are disobedient to parents. Then, next we find the word “un­ thankful,” showing a lack of gratitude. Infrequently today do we find people saying “thank you” for something done for them. There seems neither to be time nor need for this. It is the old philosophy, “Dog eat dog, and the big dog eat the little dog.” It all leads to a creeping socialistic sentiment which we completely condemn, that our gov­ ernment owes us everything on a silver platter. We are to expect to be taken care of from the cradle to the grave. We only want to wait with our mouths open for some hand to feed us. If you lived in New York City and were a member of the electrical union, then for 25 hours a week of work you would get paid for 40. Again, we deplore the growing trend in industry to attempt to get something for nothing. It was news commentator Paul Harvey who declared, “If Uncle Sam is ever des­ troyed, it won’t be because of the Rus­ sians, it will be because he was lured


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