Photo of Inspector Conrad Jensen, New York Police force. Inspector Jensen is a born-again Christian.
P erhaps too m u c h has been penned, already, as to possible underlying reasons barring the use of a nonsec tarian prayer of the Board of Regents in the schools of New York. The pray er, a very simple one, is given here for your reading: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our Country. Amen.” The element in this matter which startles me, however, is not so much that the prayer is disallowed, but the evidence of power vested in the hands of men — and, the trend of the times! For our study, may we again join the Apostle Paul in II Timothy 3:1-5 as he wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Here keynoting events, which shall transpire in these last peri lous times, are listed. The concluding word and sign of verse 2 is the declara
tion “unholy”, or showing no piety whatsoever. The decisions of the United States Supreme Court are certainly difficult to understand. As we have discussed the matter with both educators and law enforcement officers, it is not clear to us why such action is necessary — our schools have been founded in this Na tion under God. Then, too, in the same day, the Supreme Court reversed the ruling on users of narcotics! Why not treat narcotic addiots as such and appre hend them for their own good as well as for the good of society as an whole? The author, John Steinbeck, wrote — “There is a creeping, all-pervading nerve gas of immorality which starts in the nursery and does not stop until it reaches the highest offices, both cor porate and governmental. And there is also a nervous restlessness, a hunger, a (Continued on next page) 29
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