Biola Broadcaster - 1962-10

tute for taking such a forceful stand on a very difficult issue. Several folk expressed the viewpoint that they did not feel it was a subject to be discussed over the air. As we come to the study of tihe signs of the times we must face up to the fact that in the last days ¡there will be men and women without natural affection. There are two primary moral signs which our Lord gave to His disciples. The first was the sign of Noah that as it was in his day so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. Let us read Luke 17:27 where we see that in the days of Noah, “. . . they married wives, they were given in marriage . . .” The key word is the plural “wives.” We have exactly the same condition today in our society. Dr. Robert Elliott Fitch of the University of Southern California called it, “progressive monogony”, hav­ ing several wives, but having them one at a time.

Sickness in Society (continued) thirst, a yearning for something un­ known.” He is right, even though with­ out a solution. Why will man not turn to Christ’s solution — “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy ladened and I will give you rest.” But men turn from things of eternal life — they are only interested in “things.” The word is rightly given as a sign, “unholy.” Now for a look at some of the other signs for the nearness of the return of the Lord; verse 3, II Timothy, chap­ ter 3. How evident this next sign is! In the last days perilous times shall come because there will be a race of people who shall be without natural affection. Sometime ago, on these programs, we gave a message on the subject of the Crisis in Morality concerning the growth of homosexuality in the United States. While we did not report the lis­ tener reaction to that message, we want you to know that scores of letters were received commending the Bible Insti­

The second thing our Lord mentioned as being present to mark the perilous B I O L A Biota’s Stewardship representatives are able to assist you in any personal estate problems. When the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles is remembered in your Will, legal assistance is procured when necessary, to assure the proper documents are prepared. For confidential and competent coun­ sel, address: Stewardship Department The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California (Request the new free publication "THE CHRISTIAN ’S WILL.”)

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