they are — the very things you expect me to mention. Such are the things in which the Christian should not be en gaged . ", . that is the list! I heard of a man, this past summer, who told his friend at church that he was quite worried about going on his vacation. This man was afraid that someone might find out that he was a Christian and he did not know what to say in a discussion. This fear had seized him and he did not know what to do, but he did go on the trip. When he returned, his friend asked him, “How did you make out?” His face beamed as he reported, “Oh, just wonderful. Why do you know that on that whole trip no one ever found out that I am a Christian!” In our fear of the criticism of man, we oft forget to reverence Almighty (continued on page 35) "No daily meal is complete with out the 'Bread of Life.' " MOVING COSTS EVERYONE
Cross. This is the Christian’s perfect example for life. We come now to the last two signs given in II Timothy 3 as to the near ness of the Lord’s return. We do not set dates, but we do discern the signs of the times. The first of the last two statements for our consideration is, that men shall be lovers of pleasure rather than lov ers of God. The word amuse comes from the word “muse,” to think. The letter “a” is a negation or, in other words, “not to think.” In the last analysis, this seems to be what most people have an interest in today. They do not want to have to think! They want someone to amuse or entertain them. The idea of “lovers of pleasures” has, in the original, the idea of sensual pleasures. Now. I full well realize that when I talk about pleasures, amuse ments, recreations et cetera, that it could lead to dangerous ground for- it seems that, even within the church, our moral standards are changing. Few people are consonant in their thinking on this subject. Basically, in our lives, either the body rules the soul or, if you are a Spirit-bom and Spirit-filled Believer, your soul rules your body. This plan is, of course, God’s plan for our day by day existence. There used to be a list of those things which are strictly taboo for the Christian in his walk— however, this list has seemingly gone out of style. I do not know why the church feels it has to compromise — are we afraid jf hurting someone? The influence of the church upon the world was never so great as in the days when it would have nothing to do with the world. And I seem to find this point to be the place where I want to make a very firm announcement, perhaps even “go out on a limb” to give you a list of things from which the Christian should completely abstain. Now here are the things which should be shunned by the Believer: the very things which you are waiting for me to set forth. You can put them down. You know what
If you have just moved, or are planning to do so, you know all that is involved. But did you realize that your move can also cost the Lord's work? If you have moved and have not as yet informed us, from now on it will cost Biola 8 cents (rather than 4) in order to have the post office give us the in formation concerning your new address. If you use a post card, or the forms provided by the post office, this will mean a sub stantial savings for the work of the Lord. With a quarter of the population moving every year, according to statistics, you can well imagine what this will ulti mately mean for Biola. Thank you for your prayer ful help in this, as well as in our other ministries for the Lord Jesus Christ.
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