WHAT IS NAAS? • A service where Kamstrup designs, owns and operates a data collection network tailored to the utility’s special data needs • It guarantees both the uptime of the communication net- work, and that the data is re- ally collected to your defined systems KEY BENEFITS OF NAAS • The utility does not have to worry about technology phase-outs, unforeseen costs, maintenance of network com- petencies or changes in leg- islation. • NaaS ensures a strong data foundation, removes risks and frees up resources that can create greater value. • NaaS is delivered at a fixed agreed price per metering point throughout the contract period.
Simple meter data collection at Silkeborg Heat Utility and Novafos With Network as a Service (NaaS), the two utilities need much less resources on operation and maintenance of the data collection network. They can use this freed-up time to utilize the data and create more value for their custom- ers. Silkeborg Utility will retrieve frequent data from around 37,000 heat and water meters via this service, as they finish the deployment of their entire meter park. At Novafos, the solution serves approximately 75,000 water meters spread over nine municipalities in the Capital Region of Denmark, and it works flawlessly.
Priorities set based on data, went with increased optimization ”NaaS helps us work in a more data driven way. We can better filter out irrelevant things and focus on, for example, customers who have zero consumption, extremely high consumption or a very high return tempera- ture. It can also contribute to optimizing the efficiencies of our production facilities, as we can better map current issues in the pipeline network and locate customers where there is a high return temperature.” Jonas Campau, Asset Management Program Manager at Silkeborg Utility Better customer service for all parties ”Our customer department has experienced a huge upgra- de in the way they can send out bills. Having precise meter data at hand spares us from a lot of phone calls and from sending a lot of wrong bills out. We find it easier to provide customer service. We need to tweak our calculations to be just a bit more precise, and people will have the opportunity to follow their own consumption. So, there are many positive things about NaaS.” Anders Fisker, Water Distribution & Service Team Leader at Novafos
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