FranklinCovey-The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Sales Leaders




THANKS & WELCOME Thanks for taking the decision to download this e-book. It’s my pleasure to talk to you (virtually) through these pages and I hope there is something here of value for you.

Take 5-10 minutes, get a cup of tea or coffee, read this, and then make a simple decision... If what you read resonates, sounds familiar and deals with sales challenges you face in your business, connect with us further and find out more about FranklinCovey’s Helping Clients Succeed™ methodology. If not, you won’t have wasted too much time. There are hundreds of books containing tricks, tips and techniques intended to help people become more skilled in selling. And that’s often when the problems start. Getting better at ‘selling’ in the traditional sense often translates to doing more ‘tricks’ as a result of ‘doing it by the book’. In almost 40 years of selling, I have learned many things the hard way, and I am not unique. The turning point for me in my sales career came from reading a book and being exposed to some sound thinking about myself and how I sold. And it wasn’t even a sales book that I read! The book in question was ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen R. Covey published by Simon & Schuster. If you have not read it yet, I urge you to borrow or buy a copy and make it a ‘must read’. Every single principle can be applied to sales effectiveness as well as personal effectiveness.

Habit 1: Be Proactive

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Working with Franklin Covey for over 12 years, first as a client and then as a consultant, I have seen evidence of these principles working to transform sales in a way that challenges many of the old ‘buyer vs seller’ conflicts. The premise is this: the things we do unconsciously, yet habitually, constantly express our character and drive our effectiveness or ineffectiveness in sales, as in life. So, our character as sales people is a composite of our habits as people. Acquiring and applying the 7 Habits (of highly successful people) to sales effectiveness takes us through two key stages of development. Habits 1-3 take us from dependence to independence by taking responsibility for our own sales success. Once independent, we learn through habits 4-6 to succeed with other people, either on our sales team internally, or with customers and clients. The seventh habit makes all of the others possible, by periodical and deliberate self-renewal.

Stop Being So Responsible

Circle of Influence vs. Circle of Concern

Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect

Move Off The Solution

Habit 2: Begin With The End In mind

Declare Your Own Mission

Refresh and Anchor to Your End Game

Intent is an End in Mind


HABIT 3: Put First Things First


Coming to Terms with Day-to-Day Choices


What’s Eating Your Time?

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Getting in the Game is a Priority

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

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Deposits Foster Win-Win

Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood Why do sales people usually get this habit backwards?

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Listening? Oh yeah, I do that

Five Reasons Why We Don’t Listen

How Well Do You Know Your Clients’ Needs?

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Now Seek to Be Understood

Reflect Uniqueness to Increase Credibility

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Be Influential, Not Impressive

Habit 6: Synergize

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What Have You Done For Me Lately?

The Crux of the Matter Go Big or Go Home

Join me on this quick walk through the 7 Habits from the perspective of a sales

The Unintended Cost of Competition

Use Both Sides of your Brain

professional, either a leader or an individual contributor. As you read, challenge yourself to think about how these principles could help improve your sales performance.

Synergy with Clients Give it Another Try

Courage and Consideration

Valuing- Not Simply Acknowledging- Differences

Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw

Are you in?

Addicted to urgent?

Design Deliberate Practice Into Your Sales Endeavours

Create a Culture of Coaching

Time To Reflect

Should We Be Talking?


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