The previous study logos and colors were developed at a time where the primary focus was on printed materials and there was a clear need to bring the visual identity into the 21st century.
Inquiry Math and science Primary and secondary education Reading Engagement Comprehension End of primary ICT Digital Devices Digital World Coding Youth Civic and Social Engagement and actions Social Cohesion Togetherness
Examples of key words for the four main studies.
Another objective has been to create harmony across the look of studies and to bring them visually under one family, underlining IEA’s support for a holistic view of education. This has been done by carefully balancing unity with an individualized identity. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Prior to developing the new logos, we collected key words from international study centers (ISCs) for each study. Based on these, our graphic designer developed icons which related to the identity of each of the studies, while ensuring visual cohesion between them, so that they are recognizable as part of the IEA family. Throughout the development process, the icons were reviewed to ensure each element functioned as intended. The first move was to transition from a serif to a sans serif typeface across all study logos. We selected the Bauhaus- inspired Jost typeface, a typeface that stays close to the
previous look of the TIMSS and PIRLS logos and whose simple, bold lines are optimal for digital screens.
We’ve also expanded and updated each study color palette, building on the previous visual identity to ensure recognition while adding a fresh energy and a modern twist. All colors have also been explored in terms of contrast for color blindness and printability for optimal usability.
Jost Medium is a slimmer typeface, giving the logo more space.
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