IEA Insider 2024


on subjects such as health/sanitation or social-emotional skills. In addition, IEA strives to provide more targeted capacity building in areas such as the formulation of research questions specific to the context of participating LaNA countries and the analysis and reporting of LaNA data to inform policy interventions, and targeting LaNA to report on a wider set of SDG indicators (e.g., 4.a, 4.c, 4.2, and 4.5). However, additional features will be carefully balanced against country resources to ensure these do not prevent participation in LaNA. In this way, IEA aims to pay close attention to the voices and experiences of participating countries when planning future LaNA administrations. IEA strives further to develop LaNA with the TIMSS & PIRLS ISC and with countries who participated and want to participate in the study. It is imperative to continue addressing the needs of countries who wish to gain valuable knowledge and high-quality data to improve their education systems. In the words of Dr. Mohammad Matar, the NRC for Palestine, LaNA represented “a very rich experience; we hope to continue with this important assessment for the future.” ■

psychometric analyses, and achievement estimation are conducted at the TIMSS & PIRLS ISC. They will yield LaNA results in a global context, providing information on crucial factors affecting education. The international report that will be released upon completion will provide the international results based on the new basic benchmarks, contributing to the set of tools that can be used to monitor SDG 4.1.1b. The international report is scheduled for release in early 2025. Weighted and scored national data files, which countries can use for national reporting, are expected to be available in October 2024. Additionally, IEA will release a version of the IDB Analyzer adapted for use with LaNA data. IEA and the PIRLS & TIMSS ISC will host a virtual National Research Coordinator (NRC) meeting to complement the data and software releases. The purpose is to train countries to use the IDB Analyzer and discuss reporting. After a year and a half of close collaboration, IEA aims to maintain strong connections with national teams. Collaborative meetings and workshops during the data dissemination phase will enhance LaNA's impact. LaNA is an international primary school assessment measuring basic mathematics and reading proficiencies. It provides high-quality, internationally comparable data for countries that may otherwise not be able to participate in existing ILSAs. This presents an important advancement in IEA’s portfolio and mission of improving quality teaching and learning worldwide. Exciting potential additions to future LaNA administrations will be considered, including teacher questionnaires (in addition to the already-included student and school questionnaires) and optional modules

“IEA aims to pay close attention to the voices and experiences of participating countries

when planning future LaNA administrations.”


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