IEA Insider 2024


IELS Gears up for Main Study Phase

Survey Operations Procedures and Technical Standards, while the NPM meeting went over field trial outcomes and data findings, and presented planned updates for the main study. Sampling matters for the main study were discussed individually with jurisdictions; and sessions were also held to give NPMs the chance to share strategies bilaterally to increase the effectiveness of their efforts to administer the assessment: for example, to increase center participation or shuffle responsibilities between the center coordinators and study administrators. In tandem, a specially planned onboarding meeting for the new wave jurisdictions took place. This was the first of two planned onboarding meetings for the new wave jurisdictions, to prepare the two new jurisdictions for a busy second half of the year. These jurisdictions are planning to administer both an operational field trial exercise and administration of the main study, which is


planned for all jurisdictions during the first two quarters of 2025. A second planned onboarding meeting, in the fourth quarter of 2024, will encompass comprehensive data management training to prepare the new wave jurisdictions for all data-related survey operations procedures. Sixth and seventh NPM meetings are then (virtually) planned for November, during which software and

“Preliminary participation rates within participating

The second cycle of the OECD’s International Early Learning and Child Well-Being Study (IELS2) is led by a consortium including ACER (ISC), IEA, and cApStAn. IELS2 experienced a busy and fruitful first two quarters of 2024,

centers were encouraging.”

during which the field trial was successfully administered in eight jurisdictions (United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan [Baku and Sumgait], Belgium [Flanders], Brazil [Ceará, Pará, and São Paulo], Switzerland, England, Malta, and the Netherlands). Two adjudicated regions (Abu Dhabi and Dubai) also administered the field trial. While some jurisdictions encountered challenges in obtaining center participation, preliminary participation rates within participating centers were encouraging, and national centers have been in close contact with IEA as the data processing advances. Switzerland, which joined late, unfortunately opted out of participation in the main study, but remains optimistic about participation in potential subsequent cycles. Dubai likewise opted out of main study participation, but excitingly, two additional “new wave” jurisdictions have now signed on to the second cycle of IELS: the province of Hangzhou, People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea. After the field trial was concluded, IELS' Technical Experts Group and NPMs again met in person in June 2024, in Leuven, Belgium, during two consecutive meetings. The meeting covered field trial item analysis and updates to the

data management updates, and a study administrator training refresher, will be presented by the consortium to prepare for the main study phase. ■

The results of the first cycle allowed ground-breaking research into factors of learning for this age cohort.


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