IEA Insider 2024


Dimensionality and Mode Effects in PIRLS 2016 and PIRLS 2021: Evaluating the Comparability of Different Assessment Modes led by Rolf Strietholt from IEA

We intend to carry these findings forward to future R&D calls. With the seven projects from Call 3 that were funded for 2024, IEA should have a lot of new and innovative ideas to pursue: An Examination on the Performance of Sampling Variance Estimators in International Large-Scale Assessments led by Umut Atasever from IEA Field Trial Sample Size for Scales: Requirements for Questionnaire Scale Analysis led by Andrés Christiansen from IEA Using Large Language Models for Automatic Item Generation: Development and Validation for TIMSS Grade 4 led by Marek Muszynski from the Polish Academy of Sciences Approximate Enhanced Understanding of Student Motivation and Task Interaction in IEA Assessments led by Artur Pokropek from the Polish Academy of Sciences Areas of Interest for Enhancing Cross-Cultural Comparisons in International Large-Scale Assessments: A Comprehensive Investigation and Guideline Development Using TIMSS 2019 and TALIS 2018 Data led by Andrés Sandoval-Hernández from the University of Bath

Gauging the Instructional Sensitivity of Ordinal Assessment Items led by Anne Traynor from Purdue University

We look forward to seeing how these researchers propose to drive progress in our educational assessment methodologies.

With each funding cycle, new ideas emerge that have the potential to reshape how we approach ILSAs. From 2024, the Standing Committee additionally agreed introduce targeted, IEA-initiated projects alongside the regular open calls. Projects here are aimed to bring in specific expertise and research that addresses IEA’s immediate needs and priorities for innovation and development. As the educational landscape evolves, particularly in the context of technological advancements and changing global needs, the IEA R&D Fund remains a critical tool in ensuring that ILSAs continue to provide accurate, relevant, and insightful data to inform educational policies and practices worldwide. ■


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