IEA Insider 2024


For Policy and Practice

Delivering evidence-based insights into educational policy matters using IEA data for over 10 years, IEA Compass: Briefs in Education highlights thematic areas from IEA study findings within the educational landscape. Latest releases include:

Using Process Data in Large-scale Assessments An Example With an eTIMSS Problem Solving and Inquiry Item

Teaching Quality, Limitations to Teaching, and Their Links to Student Achievement: Insights from Nordic Primary Schools

Analyzing the Impact Student Hunger Has on Achievement in Mathematics and How Policymakers Can Contribute to Alleviating Hunger in School Special thanks to colleagues from the National Institute of Educational Assessment (INEE) of Spain, who have translated 16 IEA Compass: Briefs in Education into Spanish to share nationally. Available translations are highlighted on the IEA website here. Upcoming IEA Compass: Briefs in Education • Why boys may need more support in building their reading motivation, engagement, and confidence, a collaboration between UNESCO and IEA • How large-scale assessments have informed education policy in Ireland, authored by the Educational Research Centre in Dublin

Another exciting update this year relevant for all IEA audiences has been the release of the first ever PIRLS Insights , a new series that IEA is developing together with International Study Centers. In addition to regular international reporting, the Insights series are intended as additional publications that dive deeper into thematic areas that align with the study’s research agenda and continue to provide output using latest study data long after the international report releases. The first two Insights focus on PIRLS 2021 data:

PIRLS Insights: Aspects of Student Well-Being and Reading Achievement in PIRLS 2021

PIRLS Insights: COVID-19 Research Resources in PIRLS 2021

Selection of Compass Briefs available in 10 languages 24 Briefs since 2018

There will also be upcoming TIMSS Insights and ICILS Insights providing more in-depth information about the available data.

INTERESTED IN TRANSLATING AN IEA PUBLICATION? All IEA publications are available for translation for national use. Contact Laura Cheeseman ( ) for more information.

Most viewed: Compass Brief 21 700+ accesses since 2023

More exciting releases on a range of topics are planned for next year, watch this space! For more information on each of the series, see IEA Insider: New Perspectives and Approaches.


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