Transport and Logistics Newsletter

Introducing Port One Logistics Park: Pioneering Sustainability Across Our Region

Located strategically along of the A14 at junction 52, Port One Logistics Park is a major step forward in the development of logistic park facilities in the UK. Projected to cover an expansive 4.5 million square feet in a couple of years, it promises not only cutting- edge storage solutions but also optimises accessibility along the A14 and A12 corridors, connecting the east coast ports to the heartbeat of UK trade. We spoke to Murray Gibson at Port One who explained more about the development.

What makes the design of Port One different to other storage facilities? At the core of Port One’s allure lies its

Can you say something about the sustainability ethos you have developed at Port One? We’ve tried to set up Port One as a trailblazer in sustainability, setting a new standard for environmentally conscious logistics. Acres of solar panels sit on our roofing and the surrounding landscape, providing 100% of our energy needs by ultimately generating 5.2 megawatts of green energy when fully developed. Charging stations for electric vehicles and forklifts are already in place and more are planned, to ensure the design is moving toward cleaner operations. Our vision for Port One has had sustainability embedded at every stage of its design, planning and procurement. A business’s green credentials are not something that can be ignored, and we all need to make our move onto this sustainable path at a much faster pace. The beauty of Port One is that any new tenant will already be making giant leaps in sustainability simply by acquiring one of our warehouses as it comes as a pre-requisite.

Further investment has been made locally by planting 30,000 native trees as well as undertaking the regeneration and long-term management of nearby Great Blakenham Riverside Park to ensure it becomes a place where native flora and fauna can thrive. Rainwater is harvested to create rain gardens and wet woodland and 98% of their waste is recycled by a local company within a mile. What can’t be recycled from the site is used for waste to energy. Natural sustainability comes from the strategic location of Port One, meaning lorries will be travelling fewer miles between Port One, Felixstowe and Harwich. It is estimated that the reduction could be savings of 5 million miles every year. Port One sits at the centre of the Freeport East Zone and will be able to take advantage of their plans to establish a Green Hydrogen Hub and integrating diverse sources of sustainable energy to fuel vehicles and equipment.

commitment to sustainable modern solutions. The purpose-built units have been meticulously crafted, to marry space and height, dwarfing the traditional four-tier storage model and unlocking capacity. Catering precisely to the needs of our diverse clientele allows business operations to run more efficiently; from customisable mezzanine levels to fluid layouts, every aspect of these units has been designed to meet evolving business needs.


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